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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • The only places there that haven’t changed are the tiny game subs, to my limited willingness to use the site. I have checked the niche subs I used to moderate, and all but one is swamped with bullshit. Even that one has changed some. The only ones of those unchanged are the ones I had set to private ages before spez threw his little hissy-fit. The ones that were public are either dead, botted, or just unchecked insanity with bad moderation. Spam everywhere.

  • I very much enjoyed enterprise at the time, despite the horrible theme song and the flaws in writing that spotted most episodes.

    Now, part of that is being a huge Bakula fan. I love the way he throws himself into roles. I think though, had there been another age actor in the role I still would have enjoyed the show.

    It wasn’t great Trek. Probably the weakest of the older series, depending on tastes and criteria. Certainly wasn’t up to TNG, TOS, or DS 9. I’d put it on par with Voyager, though it was both bad and good in different ways, with the lack of attention being paid to established Vulcan history in Enterprise tipping the scales to it being lesser than Voyager.

    But I really liked that they tried to go back to the whole “wagon train in space” vibe. And the cast was great. Can’t hold the iffy writing against the cast, and there were some great moments where the actors kept things from being worse just by virtue of how they carried their characters.

    I don’t rewatch any of the series as a binge though, so my opinion might change when the flaws are showing up in rapid succession compared to the original pace of watching week by week and over time. I know binge watching made me almost hate shows I used to like a good bit (like Bones as an example).

    I can’t compare anything to the newer shows since I’ve kinda stopped watching much in the way of “tv” the last few years, so I haven’t caught any of the stuff that has been done in the last decade. Could be that one of the new shows would be worse, in comparison to the earlier shows, I dunno. Doesn’t help that I despise the reboot movies, and the fact e that they happened kinda soured me on new Trek overall. The folks running things don’t seem to be interested in the kind of shows that made me enjoy Trek in the first place, but that’s second hand impression from seeing what people say online

  • No vampires.

    Creepy? That’s a matter of perception.

    Good? Again, that’s a personal thing.

    As erotica, they’re kinda too over the top for most people. The whole thing is extreme bdsm. Extreme as in doing things that would be very dangerous or at least risky in real life. But it is fantasy, so as long as you go into them with that in mind, it’s not really any more extreme than some porn that’s out there.

    What I can say for sure is that her style of writing lends itself well to erotica in general, even if some of the specifics of her attempts in that general heading fall short of being actually arousing. In other words, it’s very readable, if you like the way she writes at all.

    By that I mean her style, not necessarily her plots or dialogue. Like, her vampire books jumped jumped the shark decades ago, but the style of them is consistent even when a given book is not a good read. I personally like her rather distinct southern gothic vibe in her word choices, pacing, and description of scenes. Her writing drawls like a lady in her garden during a sultry late summer evening, offering iced tea to a guest.

    Even when she’s writing action, there’s a sense of langour to it all.

    And that zoomed applies to the beauty books as well as her “exit to eden” stand alone quasi erotic novel. I think e2e is more erotic in how it handles bdsm themes and scenes, but it’s also not a fantasy/fairy tale story. There’s a scene in e2e where one character is using butter and cinnamon in an erotic manner, and it actually works as erotica. The way she writes that scene is languid and dripping.

    My overall take? The beauty books are worth a read even if only as an experience more than a read for pleasure. It’s a very interesting thing beyond its value as an erotic piece.

  • Absolutely not true. Wherever you read it is full of malarkey. I would go so far as to say it is impossible, since your be vomiting unless you were still drugged. It would take sedatives to keep you under long enough to swallow that much, and you can still vomit while sedated.

    You also don’t die from a full belly by itself.

    Then, there’s the fact that the stomach takes up some degree of water during digestion, and is breaking down any solids that it can break down along the way. You’d have to literally chug the blood to get enough in at once to distend the stomach, and no tonsillectomy produces that much blood.

    Almost every single modern procedure uses some kind of cautery to stop bleeding, and the few that don’t still take steps to do so.

    Anyone, especially a small child, bleeding enough to die from swallowing it, would never be sent home. That’s a sign of a major problem apart from the surgery.

    And that’s ignoring how much blood loss that would be. Even if swallowed, the amount needed to cause death wouldn’t fill the stomach in a small child. Even in a bigger child, the stomach is bigger too, so you run into issues with realism there.

    Tonsilectomies are done all around the world, and have been for ages. While complications can happen, this simply isn’t one of them.

  • Yeah, they work for sure, but you gotta get them set up just right or they’re a pain in the ass. Well, I don’t know about that specific brand, but in general.

    They’re good for lots of things outside of the usual, though. There’s a lot of use for them with various disabilities, and they’re great when you have to wrangle kids or dogs out and about. Backpacks have to be taken off and dug through, chest or belly packs are more single hand friendly. So are good sling bags afatg.

  • Out of curiosity, why yiffit in particular? Lot of nice people there for sure, but that can be said of most instances.

    If you’re going to only have a single account to keep track of, there are plenty of options that aren’t as likely to be defederated, and you still have access to the yiffit content and users as well as ml content and users.

    Mind you, there’s more benefit to having multiple accounts than drawbacks, particularly for the nsfw stuff. I tend to block the majority of the communities that fall into the porn side of that on my main accounts just because I like my feed to be useful to me, and I have very limited use for porn/fetish material on a regular basis, but I don’t bother on other accounts because it doesn’t bother me to just scroll past on those occasional use accounts.

  • What’s the ingredient list say? Some stabilizers and such can do that, if they aren’t mixed properly.

    I don’t do it for a living, but I have family that run dairy. One of the things used for consistency and texture is carageenen (spelling?). It kinda looks like that when it’s saturated. It’s a moss or algae extract iirc (too lazy to look it up, but it’s something like that, carageen is the original plant).

    So, that would be my best guess, and if that’s in the ingredients, that’s almost certainly what it is.

  • No bullshit, not a joke. Try masturbating with your off hand.

    It is a simple enough task, it gives an (eventual) reward for the work, and it helps build coordination between the muscle groups involved. It’s also enough effort that the muscles involved strengthen, and the brain has a chance to build up connections to manage that.

    Seriously. It works. I had multiple patients over the years that gained benefits in learning to use their off hand after strokes (heh) or amputation. Same with friends and acquaintances in disability support groups. They’d be struggling, doing their physical and occupational therapy, but eventually run into the horny wall. Things would be difficult with masturbation at first, but it drove improvement in other areas way more than any other task.

    Works for men and women (though sitting with a support group slowly working their way around to talking about it was hilarious. The blushing and euphemisms were numerous).

    Truth is, anything you’ll do often enough that engages all those muscles and the brain will do the same thing. But what tasks are more enjoyable than masturbation? You gonna be chopping onions left handed regularly? Maybe whisking a nice lemon curd daily? Repetition is what builds the kind of dexterity your main hand gets.

    A few months of spanking it off handed, and you can try writing, or relearning an instrument. You probably won’t ever be as good as with your primary at anything, but you can get good enough to handle daily tasks.

  • Immoral? Depends on the moral system, but in not aware of any that would directly support fucking over individuals. Tips, handouts, that’s shitty by any moral system I’ve ever run across.

    Unethical? Well, ethics are situational. But, again, I can’t imagine any code of ethics that would say fucking over an individual would be okay.

    Illegal? Ask someone else. I’m fairly sure there’s places where it would be illegal to pass fake money at all, but im damned if I’ll go looking it up for you lol. I do know that passing counterfeit bills is illegal anywhere that bills are used, the only question would be if fake money that isn’t an attempt to mimic a real bill would count.

    Now, the leeway you have on moral and ethical realms is in church donations. They have to count and process the cash before it can be used, so the chances of it fucking a person over approach zero at the least. And if it’s deposited in a bank, it’ll get caught, and likely not result in harm to anyone involved. So you could make an argument that, it isn’t immoral, just really cowardly behavior if you have a choice of donating or not. Social pressure is not enough to excuse just being a fucking adult and not putting it on the plate.

    If you don’t have a choice, as in it would bring harm beyond just not being welcomed back to that church, then it isn’t a voluntary donation, which gives you the moral and ethical freedom to take whatever steps you need to survive until you can leave the situation that has you there.

    As much as I hate tip culture, leaving a fake tip is just a giant, gaping asshole move. Fuck anyone that does that. Be a fucking adult and just don’t tip, or find establishments that tipping isn’t a factor.

    Also, having bounced at strip clubs, you should be aware that trying that shit at any decent club is going to cost you way more than money if you get caught. I was a fairly gentle dude, and I would have literally bounced your ass off the pavement if I could lift you. Any bouncer I ever worked with would have too. Baaad idea to fuck around at places that tend to be no go zones with cops, especially if you don’t know for a fact that it isn’t laundering money. If it is a laundering front? You are going to get hurt, bad. Those kind of places are not friendly to fuckery like that. Say whatever you will about strippers, but they work a shitty job for shit money, dealing with creeps and assholes the entire time (not always the customers tbh). That tip may actually be all they get paid in some places.

    I assume you’re asking hypothetically, so please don’t take any of that as a direct comment on you as a person. The response is to the hypothetical person, if you get what I’m saying. Nothing wrong with asking the question.