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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Well, one thing I do have going for me is that everyone I work with seems to talk me up to management, otherwise I have a feeling I’d already have been removed from this team and moved back to in-company-work. I just can’t seem to translate that to getting points.

    Everyone likes working with me, but sometimes I can’t work out what I’m even contributing. If that makes sense… I just wrote it and it barely makes sense to me… just working through this one bite at a time so take this post as “thinking out loud”.

  • Yeah, it’s an anxiety / self-esteem thing I suspect. I’m working with medical outside of work, but I’m in a country with poor healthcare support and basically nil mental health support so we’ll see how that goes. I already have a significant amount of medical debt from going to the doctor for a stress-related vision loss… medical debt which I just ignore because I felt that a ten-thousand dollar bill for seeking medical help and getting tests was stupid so I refuse to pay or interact with the debt-collectors. For the record, the outcome of this 10k bill was, “Idk, doesn’t make sense, you’re discharged after we monitor you overnight.”

    Anyway, healthcare tangent aside, I am too hard on myself. Meditation is the main thing I’ve found that helps.

    Your thoughts definitely help, new perspectives are invaluable. I just have my one.

  • Ahh, I see. I had no idea. I’m not from a programming background originally but fought hard to get into a programming job from a closely-related field. The way our team uses them is to justify our contracting support, “Look at our developers, they did X points! You should contract more work to our company!”

    So if point estimation is that poor, maybe I should stop agonizing over adding points to a task… it always feels like I’m broadcasting that I can’t solve a task when the points go… 5… 10… 15… 20… 25… etc.

    Who creates these tasks? Anyone can, most of the existing tasks were created by people I’ve never met, sometimes people no longer with the company, sometimes people on a different development team, the tasks get assigned to the team working on “the product” that we support and then are handed out.

  • Alright, I never thought about the daily meetings like that, probably because of the context with which they started. It started because the guy who manages the points doesn’t develop or understand software, he just reports progress of the team via points to the contract-host-company (we’re all contractors on my team).

    I’m not involved in any planning, I just get assigned stuff. As far as estimating how large the bugs are, that would be me, but I’ve only arrived working on this new code base three months ago so my estimates would be random guesses since I don’t understand the larger context of any of the jobs, nor how the moving parts fit together. So what I do is take a job, then just add two points every day, one of my tasks is well over thirty points at this time.

    I’m not sure how task difficulty is determined or if it is at all? It seems to be more that they chose these bugs just because they make sense for a new team member to get working on something, but that’s just a guess.

  • Yeah, I’ve thought a lot about this. Thing is, to advance to something else usually you need to excel in what you are doing, yeah? So seems like that isn’t in the cards, I pass out from stress naps almost every day at 6p, possibly due to anxiety which compounds the whole experience… kinda just hate waking up every morning at this point.

    I worked SO hard to get into this field, and I love creating things… but nothing ever seems to come together for me. Decided to write this post out of exhausted frustration as my eyes burn… the sun isn’t even down and I’m so beat I just want to sleep.

  • All I’ve learned from this comment is that “you don’t know what you don’t know” and you’re mad that others are being open-minded to things that are unknowns.

    You can’t factually assert animals and plants are different but “they just are” despite the answer being beyond the horizon of current science.

    If you had said, “the lack of a brain as we understand it,” maybe. But you are too certain about unknowable things for me to follow your reasoning.