• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The challenge is, in a real org of some size, you’ll suddenly get marketing or customer success asking you for commitments that are very far out, because ad slots have to be booked or a very large customer renewal is coming up.

    And some of the normal coping mechanism (beta-branch that spins off stable feature to the general release branch) don’t work for all those requests.

    Try as you might, you are going to get far off deadlines that you have to work towards. Not for everything but for more than you’d like.

  • It’s not just the U.K. that’s been neglecting its duties; the whole western world has been sleeping at the wheel. £2.5bn is a drop in the ocean that we, collectively in the west, need to invest to stand up a credible defense posture.

    Ignoring for a second the paid/unpaid status of the proposal (which won’t happen anyway as the tories will lose this one), the notion of training some conscripts for a possible mobilisation isn’t the worst idea in the world - it’s how most of the states bordering Russia balance peace vs possible war.

  • The social contract for young people in the uk has been broken

    Yes 100% agree.

    Before forcing people to fight for their country, you need to make it something worth fighting for.

    Again 100% agree.

    If a between A-Level and university 6 week PAID training position in the military were offered, where your housing, food, basic training are provided, and you are able to save some money at the end of it, would probably be a good policy.

    Completely agree that the volunteer service (whether forces or in a civilian volunteer position) could be combined with education credits, or pay, or housing, it would be much more attractive. Certainly where I served, I was housed and fed and had a salary (£650/month equivalent to £1300-ish today). It allowed me to save most of the money.

  • It’s a really funny post and I’m not a Tory voter.

    That said, I do wonder what it will require for Britain to reintroduce some form of conscription?

    I’ve grown up in countries where it was second nature for some to get drafted (forced to join) and many volunteered (80% of the people in my platoon were volunteers), with a mandatory “Forces Day” that you were required to attend not long after your 18th birthday. Even the people who were forced to join accepted it as “oh well, it will be a gap year, I suppose”. There was an option to become a conscientious objector but very, very few took it (it meant spending 10 months working for the same salary in a library or similar).

    How bad does the UK’s security outlook have to be before young people will understand a necessity?

  • I do think Zig is better for this kind of thing.

    const ret = try do_thing();
    if( ret ) | result | {

    The try keyword returns any error up; the if-unwrap works with what came out of a successful call. Normally you wouldn’t have both, of course.

    do_thing would be defined as a union of an error (a distinct kind of type, so it can be reasoned about with try, catch and unwrapping) and the wrapped return value.

  • Yes but Perforce is a (broadly) centralised system, so you don’t end up with the whole history on your local computer. Yes, that then has some challenges (local branches etc, which Perforce mitigates with Streams) and local development (which is mitigated in other ways).

    For how most teams work, I’d choose Perforce any day. Git is specialised towards very large, often part time, hyper-distributed development (AKA Linux development), but the reality is that most teams do work with a main branch in a central location.

  • I think the client is actually built by Telegram itself. The main developer certainly seems employed by Telegram. While not 100% as speedy as the original Win32 client, Unigram is a proper Windows citizen, with support for a range of modern features (including the reason I shifted, namely that it handles multiple monitors with different DPIs without any problems)