He / They

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • This is an extreme acceleration of what is happening in the US as well. Any time employment or compensation is based on research outcomes, it is by definition a monetary incentive to doctor your outcomes.

    In China this was down to their ranking system and grant eligibility. In the US this usually happens inside companies (see literally the entire history of DuPont and the research they did, or all the research that is funded by Nestle or Petrochemical companies), or in order to secure or keep tenured positions, or retain grants.

    Good research needs to be publicly-funded, and devoid (as much as possible , from a methodological standpoint) of desired outcomes.

  • Not only humans can use language to impart abstract concepts. Crows have been observed sharing information about danger to crows who are not present to witness the danger themselves, but then successfully recognize it in the future. They’ve also been found to be able to create tools they have not seen before in order to solve problems.

    Koko the gorilla was also famous for her abstract thinking. Others species include dolphins and elephants, and obviously we haven’t tested most species out there.

  • This is true regardless of the language in use. I’m not sure why you brought it up.

    Because if you know Python, you know requests already. Or flask, or configparser, or itertools, or maybe even pyqt.

    Languages all have their own ‘most common libraries’, which add to the time it takes to learn how to be competent in that language. If a python dev tells me they know all the syntax, but have no clue what itertools or requests are, my eyebrows go up.

    There’s a lot of language-specific knowledge that needs to be learned before you’ll be competent in it, that people don’t even think about.

  • If someone was competent enough to author code that’s fit to pull into a project like Lemmy, they’re more than capable of translating those skills to Rust.

    With time, perhaps, but why is someone going to do that as a prerequisite for a spare-time FOSS contribution? People tend to contribute to the projects they already have the skills for.

    No language seeing modern significant use is so esoteric that a reasonably seasoned developer couldn’t make something competent in it within a week of starting to learn its syntax.

    Knowing the minimal syntax of a language to get past compilation errors is not even remotely close to being “competent” in it. You need to learn the language’s structures, you need to learn how the compiler works, you need to learn the libraries that the FOSS project is using, you need to learn the security pitfalls for the language… The language used can be a HUGE hurdle to overcome.

    “You know Python and Javascript, so you can write competent C++ code that is FOSS-contribution-acceptable if you take a week to learn!” (inb4 memory management and pointers and templates and ‘oh no every input field I wrote is a trivial buffer overflow’…)

  • In either China or the US it will depend on many factors.

    Many cases will go un-prosecuted if there is no media attention. In China, negative public opinion is even more likely to result in a charge and conviction than in the US, due to how their judicial system works.

    Ahmaud Arbery was run down and shot in the middle of the street, in public view, and it took 3 months of the video of the murder being posted online before any of the 3 men who murdered him were charged with a crime. Local police and the local DA’s office had completely ignored the case, until media picked it up and started investigating, and that only happened because there was video.

    Or the 215 bodies buried behind a prison in Mississippi, who no one ever was informed about, and whose causes of death (many while in police custody) will probably never be fully known.

    I’d be interested to see statistics about whether a person of color in the US is treated more or less harshly than a Han (ethnic majority) Chinese person is in China; I’d wager that in terms of outcomes like sentencing, people of color in the US probably get a generally worse shake than Han Chinese people in China do, and white people a generally better shake.

  • Not to minimize the role that China’s educational indoctrination plays in this (because that is the underlying cause of the student feeling the need to defend China’s reputation with threats), but I’ve heard gamers threaten the same kind of bodily harm in League matches.

    I think it’s tough to place the blame for this entirely on China, when he’s living in a society (our’s/ the US’s) that also teaches violence against women as a tool to silence them.

    Sure, China made him feel the need to counter criticism of China with threats (just as the Chinese government does), but did China alone make him feel empowered to make those threats ones of bodily harm towards a woman? Much harder to say.

    This could just as easily have been a story about an American guy defending Trump by telling a woman he’d hurt her.

  • One thing to keep in mind is that as transmissibility increases, lethality decreases, and that’s not coincidental. The longer it takes for a virus to act, the longer a host body has to suppress it and adapt to it. Fast-acting and highly-lethal viruses depend on carrier populations (like pangolins in this case) to survive, and many individual viral mutations with deadlier characteristics emerge and then die without ever even reaching another host.

    Is it possible that you could genetically-engineer a virus to both have a long incubation period AND incredibly high mortality rate? I’m sure it is, but that is not the claim here, just that they are experimenting with a high-mortality, naturally-occurring Coronavirus.

  • Combine the patriarchal commodification of women and children together with the mindset of toxic masculinity that treats the death of a man cynically as both a removal of competition, and as a failure on their part to survive, and you get a subconscious mindset that anyone else will only care about deaths if they were women’s or children’s.

    Also, more specific to this conflict, Israel is actively framing any adult male (and many male minors) as being a potential combatant, and using that to dismiss their deaths as not bad. Pointing out that they are killing so many women and children (not just minors, but children) is also being done to make it harder for them to claim that their attacks are all or even mostly killing combatants.

  • I’m not sure who the “us” in “let’s” is, but I don’t think Beijing is considering any systemic changes right now. I’m all for changing away from Capitalist systems, but in the meantime most Chinese citizens are in pretty economically-precarious positions, and I’m certainly not going to vote, from my safe position in another country, for their country to collapse in hopes it would rebuild into something better. I’ll hold my ‘let it all burn down so we can rebuild into [preferably a loosely-associated series of Mutualist cooperatives]’ advocacy for my own country.