• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • No, I actually meant it as in the traditional meaning of literally. As in

    unwrap_used = "warn"
    expect_used = "warn"

    along with a pre-commit hook that does

    cargo clippy -D warnings

    (deny warnings).

    There are always better ways to write an unwrap, usually via pattern matching and handling the error cases properly, at the very least logging them.

  • I don’t really see the point in forking a project like Mastodon unless you are already deeply involved with its development. It doesn’t do enough that you couldn’t rewrite it better (as in in a way you understand better and with lessons from the original taken into account) in the time it would take you to fully understand all the details of the existing code base.

  • I haven’t really written any Go but from trying to debug some issues in Go software and looking at the source code it seems to be the kind of garbage language that is write-only and likely most major projects written in it will take a full rewrite if you want to overhaul it for a new major version (as in the kind of major version where the code base changes significantly, not the kind where you just broke some minor API).

  • Not good at reading comprehension, huh? If something is expensive even though half of the costs involved are covered by subsidies the real costs are even higher which means nuclear is even less competitive if you took all the costs into account.

    Funny how that story in various sources is literally the only place where the term “structural decline” appears (it is the whole page of top results for that term when searching for it), almost as if they needed to come up with a new kind of decline they could claim to have achieved specifically to talk about their numbers.

    Meanwhile France, a country that gets most of its power from nuclear has had nothing but problems in the last few years.