• 105 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2022


  • In Israeli army camps, Gazan detainees subjected to torture and degrading treatment

    New testimonies concerning the systematic torture and inhumane treatment meted out to Palestinian detainees in Israeli army camps—some of whom have been forcibly disappeared from the Gaza Strip—have been received by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

    The Israeli army and Shin Bet investigators have treated the Palestinian detainees like “non-human animals”, according to testimonies received by Euro-Med Monitor from newly-released people who spent several days in Israeli custody.

    The majority of the horrific torture operations, according to the testimonies, start as soon as people are taken from their homes or asylum centres, where many Gazans are sheltering from the ongoing Israeli attacks. Soldiers then beat the detained people and strip them naked, except for their undergarments, forcing them to sit on their knees in the street for hours while being harassed and treated with contempt.

    It’s should be unnecessary to say, but as here are some ‘whataboutists’ around: yes, Hamas is terrorist organisation. And so is the Israeli right-wing, racist government of Benjamin Netanyahu. There is no difference between the two.

  • @lisko

    This was only one incident, and hopefully it won’t be repeated elsewhere.

    Such incidents happen often in Afghanistan, and mostly against women. The central government bans girls from education, just to name another example.

    There is another article by CBS quoting representatives of the central government:

    Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban regime’s chief spokesperson, confirmed the arrests to CBS News on Monday, saying "a group of women who were involved in modeling to promote clothes were detained, advised in front of their family members […]

    The person said that after several hours of searching [for a woman detained by the Taliban], the family found the woman at a local police station late Tuesday evening, where Taliban officials demanded money, along with her passport and other documentation, as a penalty and “to guarantee that she will not violate the dress code in the future.”

    The family member said the authorities told the family they would “take her biometrics and photos, and if she violates the dress code in the future, she will be imprisoned for a longer period.”

    Recent arrests of women in Kabul Afghanistan for ‘bad hijab’, confirmed by the Taliban, regrettably signified further restrictions on women’s freedom of expression and undermines other rights," [United Nations special envoy for Afghanistan] Bennett said in a social media post.

    Source (emphasis mine)

    Addition: a few more ‘incidents’ can be found across the web, some samples are at HRW’s website on Afghanistan.

  • Regarding the ‘1984 social credit system’ there are a lot of good resources which tell a story far diffrrent from yours. One recent example is tbe documentary ‘Total Trust’ by Chinese film maker Zhang Jialing. The film’s introduction says:

    Total Trust is an eye-opening and deeply disturbing story of surveillance technology, abuse of power and (self-)censorship that confronts us with what can happen when our privacy is ignored. Through the haunting stories of people in China who have been monitored, intimidated and even tortured, the film tells of the dangers of technology in the hands of unbridled power.

    Watch the film. There are many reviews about it (and other sources about surveillance in China). It’s really easy to find on the web.

    I think this law has similar intentions.

    Addition: @megopie it would be great if you could post a source of what you say. Thanks in advance.