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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Even if you ignore all the neuromodulatory chemistry, much of the interesting processing happens at sub-threshold depolarizations, depending on millisecond-scale coincidence detection from synapses distributed through an enormous, and slow-conducting dendritic network. The simple electrical signal transmission model, where an input neuron causes reliable spiking in an output neuron, comes from skeletal muscle, which served as the model for synaptic transmission for decades, just because it was a lot easier to study than actual inter-neural synapses.

    But even that doesn’t matter if we can’t map the inter-neuronal connections, and so far that’s only been done for the 300 neurons of the c elegans ganglia (i.e., not even a ‘real’ brain), after a decade of work. Nowhere close to mapping the neuroscientists’ favorite model, aplysia, which only has 20,000 neurons. Maybe statistics will wash out some of those details by the time you get to humans 10^11 neuron systems, but considering how badly current network models are for predicting even simple behaviors, I’m going to say more details matter than we will discover any time soon.

  • “We tried this and got nothing,” is not really knowledge that can be built on. It might be helpful if you say it to a colleague at a conference, but there’s no way for a reader to know if you’re an inept experimenter, got a bad batch of reagents or specimens, had a fundamentally flawed hypothesis, inadequate statistical design, or neglected to control for some secondary phenomenon. You have to do extra work and spend extra money to prove out those possibilities to give the future researcher grounds for thinking up that thing you didn’t try, and you’ve probably already convinced yourself that it’s not going to be a productive line of work.

    It might be close if the discussion section of those “This project didn’t really work, but we spent a year on it and have to publish something” papers would include their negative speculation that the original hypothesis won’t work, or the admission that they started on hypothesis H0, got nowhere, and diverted to H1 to salvage the effort, but that takes a level of humility that’s uncommon in faculty. And sometimes you don’t make the decision not to pursue the work until the new grad student can’t repeat any of the results of that first paper. That happens with some regularity and might be worth noting, if only as a footnote or comment attached to the original paper. Or for journals to do a 5-10 year follow-up on each paper just asking whether the authors are still working on the topic and why. “Student graduated and no one else was interested” is a very different reason than “marginal effect size so switched models.”

  • I can’t tell you how many times I had some exciting idea, dug around in the literature, found someone 10, 20, even 30 years ago who’d published promising work along exactly the line I was thinking, only to completely abandon the project after one or two publications. I’ve come to see that pattern as “this didn’t actually work, and the first paper was probably bullshit.”

    It’s really hard to write an interesting paper based on “this didn’t work,” unless you can follow up to the point where you can make a positive statement of why it didn’t work, and at that point, you’re going to write a paper based on the positive conclusion and demote the negative finding to some kind of control data. You have to have the luxury of time, resources, and interest to go after that positive statement, and that’s usually incompatible with professional development.

  • I do wonder if not having to ‘hear’ words changes the rhythm of reading.

    Hadn’t thought of this…what’s your take on poetry, especially meter-forward? Like, Robert W Service or Robert Frost, I feel would be less interesting if they didn’t have their beat.

    I don’t do voices or accents when I read. Everything is in the same ‘voice,’ which isn’t quite the same as my spoken voice. My internal voice enunciates much better and slightly lower pitch. It’s more like the voice I wish I had than the voice I do have. :)