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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Is this like, a penance thing? Or is this the first time you’ve found out you were wrong about something? Because I guarantee you, no one learned about this and thought, “man I bet that sgibson5150 person really feels like a boob right now!”

    You’ll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do.

    You’ll find out you were wrong again. If you’re doing it right, it’ll be a daily occurrence. If you learned you caused harm in the past, it’s probably good to go back and try to make reparations. Otherwise, just be humbled and move on.

  • And yet, we don’t use touch-tone menus, bots that suck are already commonplace. An LLM bot could stand to dramatically improve the user experience, and would probably use the same resources that the current bots do.

    Simple things like “I want to fill a prescription” or “I want to schedule a technician” or “do you have blah in stock” could be orchestrated by a bot that sounds human, and people would prefer that to traversing a directory tree for 10m.

    I don’t even want to think about how someone would implement a customer facing inventory query using a touch-tone interface, let alone use that.

  • That’s what tier 2 service would be for. But the vast majority of calls are people wanting to execute a simple order or transaction, or ask a silly question they could have googled.

    If your problem can be solved by a bot, and it means you can be done immediatelu and don’t need to be on hold for 20m+ waiting for t2 support, you’re going to prefer it.

    Also, we’ve come a long way in just 2-3 years. It will be very difficult for us to talk about how good the experience will be in 5-10 years.

  • I’m sorry for your loss, bud. I lost my dog last week in a similar way. I took her in for a routine tooth cleaning, they found a mass in her abdomen, and her body wasn’t strong enough to recover from the anesthesia 😞.

    She was so young, and as you point out, so incontrovertibly innocent. It’s been a difficult time this week accepting that she’s suddenly gone from my and my partner’s life.

    A friend shared this with me and it’s been “living rent free” as they say.

    Time is an illusion that makes things make sense,

    So we’re always living in the present tense.

    It seems so unforgiving when a good thing ends,

    But you and I will always be back then.

    Here’s to animal friends making us our most human selves.

  • You read my mind. It’s the same feeling I got when a reddit sub would degrade into a toxic circle jerk, and I’d have to unsub. Except it feels like it’s a lot of lemmy communities lately. I feel like I can’t respectfully disagree with anyone without being met with ad hominem attacks. I don’t think something like changemyview could survive.

    Also reminds me of those anti-moderate subs, which is a sentiment literally synonymous with radicalization. I’m all for free speech, I would just rather they state whatever take they have with a calm, measured demeanor.