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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Worked at Office Depot back in ~2012-2014. Was the lead tech, and was the primary hardware fix guy. Had a guy bring in this old dell clamshell case PC with an xp sticker. It and him already smelled…off. After discussing some issues (no power) and finishing the paperwork, I cracked it open. They came spilling out. Dead, alive, and various sized. All the droppings too. It was one of the first machines I refused to work on. The guy had no choice but to leave with it. Didn’t really say much after that.

    The only other PC that came close to that were those of chain smokers. Where the tar buildup was actually sticky to the touch, coating everything, outside and in.

  • I’ve had both over my life. Both have pros and cons.

    As others have said, cats overall require less attention; both in interaction and maintenance. Our cats are really good about keeping house bugs to a minimum with their natural hunter instincts. Flies,moths and other critters don’t last long. Also litter boxes are something I wish dogs could figure out lol.

    Dogs are more social, so they’ll need more from you. They need frequent outside time to run and exercise/bathroom. Most dogs don’t care about catching bugs and critters like cats. However, if treated right, will defend the house to the death from intruders.

    In my current situation, cats are better. If I had a much bigger, we’ll fenced yard, I’d love to have a dog again.

  • There’s a few ways to interpret that and answer. The why some animals and not others is more of a cultural divide. To my knowledge I’ve never consumed dog meat. I hear it taste…ok. I personally wouldn’t seek it out, and that’s an interesting question in of itself. Would I decline it in a survival situation, no. Would I decline if offered to me while in another country or something? Not sure.

    The odd side effect of farmed animals is insurance of their survival as a species. Now, I’m not anti vegan. I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I’m omnivorous. Could we do better, ya. I’ve helped with the family farm before, growing a variety of produce. I’ve also hunted before. It would be nice to go back to a more primal way of eating. Having to work for the food beyond driving to a grocery store or having them delivered. Most of humanity has lost that connection to the land and life cycle.

  • Not trying to sound pedantic or rude, by just generally curious; What about all the other microorganisms, bacteria,etc that are within any given plant you eat line up with this eh, philosophy? I know this may come across as a bit reductionist, but I guess when you see a lot of edge cases, it becomes a sword XD

    Like, how would veganism feel about a person’s immune system killing off other things? Do you avoid hand sanitizer? I guess the crux of my questions boil down to where the line is drawn. Does it only apply to non plant/fungi?