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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月26日


  • I only install what i need so i haven’t actually installed a lot of apps. The copout answer is Firefox, but if i’m taking the prompt seriously it would be Simple Keyboard or Floris Board, they’re highly customizeable keyboards that i really enjoy and i have a hard time deciding which to leave installed.

    Just in general though, browsing F-Droid feels so good. I’m in a much simpler mindset where i’ll think “oh that’s neat i want to try it”, which is how i used to feel about tech. Browsing PlayStore makes me think “that’s neat, but what’s the catch? How are they going to scam me/harvest my data? I’m not installing this”

  • Yeah, but the further back you go the less useful it becomes. If you look before Israel you find the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Roman Empire; two of these don’t exist anymore and the last doesn’t really exist anymore.

    The choice of which time range to include isn’t that arbitrary, there are pretty significant markers that make the previous state of things a lot less relevant. When studying french politics, it’s not useful to go back further than the 1789 revolution because that event changed so much that the previous reality doesn’t matter anymore; similarly, the foundation of Israel changed the power dynamics in the area significantly enough that you can start there. Remembering the previous events is useful for context but won’t change the conclusion.

  • This is comical because Israel is the attacker, and has been for its entire existence. Their goal is to conquer and ethnically cleanse more territory in order to create an enthnostate.

    Hamas only exists as a reaction to israeli colonialism. That’s litterally the only reason for their existence.

    So, to be precise:

    • Israel is finishing a war they did not start

    Maybe not in the narrow sense, but the colonial efforts of Israel are responsible for the broader conflict lasting since the 50’s, which the current conflict is a chapter of.

    • There is literally no way around it

    It’s not necessary for Israel to conquer Gaza. It would be enough to just not expand their territory and respect human rights and international law, which they never did at any point in 70 years, leading to the current situation where there are no good options anymore.

    • The terror attack was the proof that restraint didn’t do anything

    The terror attack is a consequence of lack of restraint. (i wouldn’t normally word it like that, i’m just using the same words for rhetoric effect)

  • Yeah but look at all the stuff you do besides showering, the shaving and hair care and such. I’m genuinely just talking about the shower itself. There’s convincing myself to shower, then there’s watching youtube videos with my clothes off, then there’s spending too long in the hot shower because i don’t want to step out into the cold bathroom, then there’s drawing shapes on the fogged mirror, etc

    I think my expectation for quick showers comes from my upbringing? For a few years growing up we had the toilet, sink and shower all in the same bathroom, and that bathroom was being used by like 6 people. So every minute spent in the shower was inconveniencing someone else. idk

  • I never talk to anyone so i have no incentive to other than my own comfort. I do feel more comfortable when i’m clean, but my mere comfort often doesn’t feel like reason enough when executive dysfunction makes a shower is a 1-hour affair, plus i have a weird anxiety around thriftiness so i don’t like to “waste” the warm water and soap.

    Same reason why the house isn’t as clean as it could be. It would be cleaner if anyone came in here ever, but no one does, so the only reason to vaccuum is my own satisfaction, which isn’t worth the time and effort.

    All told i end up showering every ~5 days in winter and once a day in summer, and i never touch the perfume bottles. I actually don’t really get the point of perfume or deodorant tbh, seems like the solution to BO is a shower.

  • I waste time every day watching YouTube shorts.

    The way it’s designed, you can see a little bit of the next short, and the curiosity will get me, i’m always really tempted to scroll and find out what the next one is.

    I wouldn’t intentionally waste time like this, which is why i haven’t installed TikTok; but i do watch YouTube every day, and so shorts come get me where i am. And honestly, it’s a garbage experience. Part of me thinks i would probably have more fun on TikTok because their algorithm is better. Shorts keeps giving me these channels that edit bits of podcats, often MrBeast and Joe Rogan, and there’s loads of channels doing this so i keep seeing it no matter how many i block. What content i do enjoy is drowned out by a lot of trash content like that, and would probably be better in long form anyway.

  • Misleading headline: if you read the article and watch the video, he actually blames school shootings on the lack of moral education, with merely a reference to evolution teaching as an example of amoral atheism in the classroom.

    So it’s not a cartoonish slogan, it’s actually a fairly standard fascist talking point.

    And people say, ‘How can a young person go into their schoolhouse and open fire on their classmates?’ Because we’ve taught a whole generation, a couple generations now of Americans, that there’s no right or wrong, that it’s about survival of the fittest, and you evolve from the primordial slime. Why is that life of any sacred value? Because there’s nobody sacred to whom it’s owed. None of this should surprise us.