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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • If you don’t think answering “basic math” is rude then i guess we’ll have to disagree.

    It’s not a notion to be challenged, it’s a mathematical inevitability.

    That’s a brash claim, not really supported by your video.

    Actually nevermind that. It really doesn’t matter, since fptp is what we’re got, and ranked choice is not.

    focusing on this bit is ignoring my basic premise, my assertion of the media’s deliberate pushing of the two-party narrative. It’s only a “mathematical inevitability” with a lot of help from those who own the media and directly benefit from omitting all but the two candidates they favor

  • I’m just sitting here thinking how everyone acknowledges the necessity of a third choice, and in their next breath decry anyone who even mentions they might not be willing to hold their noses this time and vote for the two establishment parties.

    It’s so obvious that articles like this want us to continue as we always have, never even mentioning that there is another way. One could surmise it’s the media’s own subconcious bias, but i think I’m more cases the media really prefers we think of elections this way. The past 20 years of massive media conglomeration allowed by both parties shows they stand to benefit regardless of who wins, as long as it’s one of the two. So that’s all they ever mention. I’m a time where it’s never been more clear we needto move away from the two parties dragging us to the right.

    I can hear the replies now, and sure; it’s true that if you vote for a different party it won’t win them the presidency. It’s a pie in the sky ideal no one sane thinks could happen.

    But how complicit is the media in this truth? How much of the supposedly free democracy is lost by the media’s deliberate omission of other options? We know the power of media to elevate politicians up to public consciousness. We all watched media make Trump the nominee in 2016.

    The establishment parties know the power of media and use it constantly to advertise. This article is no different. It is a farce. After keeping Trump in the public eye constantly, the media, crowning their own presidential candidate, then demands we not vote for him, but for their choice. All while keeping mum on the fact either choice won’t hurt them much. All silent on the fact there are other candidates on the ballot. In a time of more core dissatisfaction than ever. Regardless of our politics, it’s obvious what theirs are and they receive concrete benefits by artificially narrowing our free system down to two bad options for us, and only wins for them.

    How many of us know by heart the old adage “voting third party is throwing your vote away”? Where did we learn this? How can we hold that true while also believing our democracy is free and true?