You think we can solve primary problems? Cause all I see is us driving off a cliff. If we aren’t willing to hit the breaks I’ll settle for turning the car into a bush
If thats how Lemmy should be used it would be helpful if we could identify yourself across servers. Like email has pgp that lets you sign your emails to prove it’s really you. Would be cool. 😎
Is pleroma bad? What’s the deal there
Ya that’s him. I think this might be a limitation of the fact theyre legit a 20 y/o in college. I’m revealing my biases but a lot of people I know really didn’t level out emotionally until their mid to late 20s, myself included.
Thread where calckey dev responds.
Might be better for technology. But I see it’s already posted there 🤷
This feels more like politics, or us news than world news 🤷
What does “let” mean in this context? Do they get a vote?
I totally agree. suspicious about their findings. They filled reusable pouches with milk and blasted it for 3 minutes. We’ve been feeding our toddler little spoons meals which has a 30s to 60s microwave time to warm it. I really doubt solid food is absorbing billions of microplastics in 30s.
Interesting vox video about geoengineering. I find the coalition of scientists demanding we don’t even look at geo eng tech, like zero research into it frustrating.