Hi you’re reading content by a non-AI person, 100% humane or at least furry.

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Gamifying the editing of other people’s posts and editing semantics of content after-the-fact

    Yeahhhhhh no, I think you just suggested StackOverflow without taking even a look at the recent or not recent discussions on how it behaves (eg.: the moderator strike) or why.

    I think there are ways this could be kept in check, but basically you’d be providing an incentive towards just going around and adding tags for content nilly-willy, potentially leading to something very similar to SO’s “closed as duplicate” (duplicate is on a completely different language / software stack / problem domain) issue.

  • Very late to the convo but: sounds like a name that one can build stuff from. قَرِفَ (“qarifa” in Persian IIRC) seems to translate to “to peel” which I guess it means to do that to a fruit, for example. There’s also تعرفه (“ta’rif” in Arabic IIRC) from which we get “tariff”, “tax”, “rate”, etc. Curious that this appears in a fruit puzzle since you peel fruits and weigh them to eg.: pay a rate per kilo.

    Anyway, as an example if I was to build something from all this context it would be a (pseudo?)-legendary of either feline or avian shape representing the concept of trade or exchange. Something using the constellation of Libra 's scales for the representation of trade, and a repetition pattern of body adornments, such as plumage or crests, as athe representation of the concept of double-entry accounting . In the case of a feline-ish I would even shift it closer to the interpretation of the Sphynx (tho that’s more of an Egyptian influence) or a centaur-ish interpretation closer to the Manticore (and that’s going Greek / Old Persian).

    If going feline, with the Pokémon having chain-like hairs or protrusions attached I could go the extra mile giving it two pairs of those (to combine with double accounting too) and bam! you’d basically have the concept of an audit-oriented Displacer beast.

    If going bird, I think I’d throw it in the general direction of sea gulls to represent trade winds, but would probably have to mix pelican in there somewhere for birds who are known to carry and move stuff around; the end result would probably end up looking something in-between Wingull and Lugia.

    Anyway that’s just me, a Pokémon worldbuilder with lots of free time.