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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Somehow from the headline I imagined something different. I somehow imagined a little Putin. Basically someone playing the game so hardcore on purpose that it is obvious that he is faking all of his public opinions. But by pretending to be anti-LGBT, pro war, etc, he would avoid all the possible made up claims of foreign agent, being anti-Russia, etc. So they would have to find some other reason to disqualify him. Imagine they’d not be able to find one and not kill him off and he would actually have to run in a DeSantis vs Trump like manner. And if he won he’d just break all his election promises. Stop the war, paint everything in rainbows, change the constitution back.

    I mean I know that’s bs but that’s where my mind went and I want to keep it there for just 5 more minutes.

  • I’ll chime in what comes to mind, since people don’t really talk about the technicality here. I’m not sure how much is common knowledge and how much is more specific information but just some thoughts.

    One of the first things that you should keep in mind is that “saturated fat” is not a very specific description. It is a colloquial term for saturated fatty acids. In (cooking) oil, these are predominantly found in a form called triglycerides. This is a glycerine backbone with three fatty acids that are connected via a covalent bond. So it is a molecule, not some loose attachment. (There are free fatty acids, but they are usually removed in raffination, since they are bad for quality. There is even a specific value that measures the content of these free fatty acids in oil, the higher, the worse the quality.) A triglyceride therefore looks somewhat like ‘-,-’ with the vertical lines being the acids and the - being the backbone. Depending on the acids, the molecule takes .ore or less funky stereo shapes.

    There are many different saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids. They come in different lengths with the “unsaturation” at different places. If you take a specific oil - i.e. peanut oil - and look up its content you will find percentage ranges of different fatty acid or triglyceride contents. Because every batch of every oil is a new mixture with different contents of fatty acids and also, and especially, different triglycerides. A lot of it is stochastic, but there is some logic in that. For example, the middle position tends to be an unsaturated fatty acid, the outer ones saturated. Or sat-unsat-unsat, if you really go for it. Yes, there are triglycerides containing only saturated fatty acids. (MCT are actually quite popular for different reasons.) But mostly it is a mix. I’m not even sure if there are triple polyunsaturated fatty acid triglycerides, I think these are rare in natural oils.

    Now, to remove all the saturated fatty acids, you would have to do harsh chemical treatment on all the triglycerides and actually split the molecule. You can do this, among other methods, by making soap, or making fatty acid methyl esters. Then you can remove all the saturated fatty acids. And then you can use the others to rebuild the bond with the glycerine. (You can, in theory, also make specific combinations of fatty acids in triglycerides. But we are talking about lab grade stuff here.)

    Most people who want a healthy oil would not want this kind of harsh chemical treatment of their oil (think virgin olive oil). But apart from that: a triglyceride made solely of (poly)unsaturated fatty acids, let alone an oil made of these, would be not very stable or usable. Apart from maybe unfreezing small amounts and then using it in a salad you would hardly have any use for it. I also cannot, for the love of God, imagine the taste. The type of fatty acid and its position in the molecule largely determines the physical behavior of oils and are not just contributing, but basically creating quality aspects such as mouth feel, lightness, melting point or crystallization. Your best bet would be to make a supplement with that, not to use it as an actual ingredient in food.

  • For the water part, in the wikipedia article it is said in context with the claim that people lose 4.5 kg within a week. That weight is unrealistically just fat. A kg of body fat has about 7700 kcal iirc (I remember it is not exactly 9000 kcal/kg but less and google spat out 7700), so that would necessitate an energy expenditure of 3850 kcal/day (if you wanted to lose 4.5 kg/7 days). This would be a lot, at least for a regular sized person with moderate activity levels (mostly we estimate 2000-2500 kcal/day as an energy need). You also have something like 2000 kcal saved in your body as glycogen, which will also be broken down of you fast. Glycogen is stored in a kind of “water shell”, so when you burn through glycogen, you also “lose water” (1 g of glucogen : 3 g of water I think). Considering you’ll put your body in a kind of “fasting mode”, the diet will also cause a metabolic response where your metabolism will slow down and cling on what you have. Muscles will also be broken down for gluconeogenesis from amino acids.

  • I don’t know if you have kids but once they start to stand, crawl and walk, the first option becomes hell. And this would be my answer, it is just unfeasible when you are an adult because you have to get up in the night etc and opening that huge bag is difficult.

    That being said, there are baby/toddler/kids sleeping bags with open feet. I have no clue how to post pictures here (yes I am that “tech stupid” and I have no idea how my toddler keeps making screenshots on my phone because I cannot replicate that) but just type sleeping bag with feet in google. They are also awfully cute and actually very comfy. Now they make sense, for adults, too, and I want to stress that I am very mad I found out that adult ones do indeed exist only one month ago because I can tell you, with SIDS and cosleeping being a prominent problem, sleeping in a cold room with no blanket but having to have your boobs available is a nightmare. Every soon to be parent should be taught these exist. So in case you are looking for one, I hope this is how you insert a link here.

    And for the latter: I think it is also a matter of moving around, feeling of freedom, liking the weight of the blanket, being able to share it. Maybe this is why but Idk.

  • Bruh I saw avocado toasts everywhere in Russia in 2016 when I did a semester abroad. (And craft beers and most of them weren’t even IPAs!) I am pretty sure we had them in Germany around that time too, but it is harder to pinpoint when it started (a semester abroad is an easier time reference to remember).

    There was also a lot of avocado toast in summer 2018 Portland and Seattle. (And craft beer but most of it were IPAs.)