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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023

  • Definitely varies for people, and there is actually a book coming out soon called “The Other Significant Others: Reimagining Life with Friendship at the Center” that you might find an interesting read.

    For me, my fiancée is my best friend. Sure we’ve both had best friends before, but the connection was instant and way more intense than with anyone else for both of us. What makes our relationship different than a friendship is that we want to build a life together, we’re a team, we’re each eachother’s top priority, and, yes like most relationships there’s a physical aspect to it, amongst other things. The phrase ‘she’s my person’ really encompasses what it feels like, personally anyway.

    If somethings right, you’ll feel it. When you find someone that sparks a connection beyond just friends, you’ll know. And if that never happens, don’t be too hard on yourself and start thinking there’s something wrong with you. Being neurodivergent and on the asexual / aromantic spectrum can make these questions harder, if they apply. Just do what feels right and don’t over think it too much. Easier said than done, I know

  • I struggle with a lot of sounds, having a sensory processing disorder, the list of which is far too long to write out here. So I totally understand the frustration and how rage inducing it is, you are definitely not alone. Especially when people don’t understand it’s not a patience issue, it’s a ‘my brain isn’t wired the same way as yours and it genuinely cannot be fixed’ issue.

    Other people have mentioned therapy, which is definitely a good idea. They can help you find ways to channel the energy into something else, or help you find the root cause (if it’s a children-specific thing, and not just a general sensory issue), or teach you good cognitive behavioral therapy practices.

    In the interim, since finding a good therapist for you can take a lot of time, I would definitely recommend some form of earplugs. Mine have saved me and my sanity so so so many times. If I can recommend a particular pair, I would suggest the Loop Switch, since they let you adjust the sound reduction levels on the fly - but any brand / even the foam tip ones (as long as they fit you properly!) can help immeasurably. For me, just knowing I have earplugs with me helps dealing with these sounds, even if I don’t wind up using them, just knowing the option is there. Some form of stress ball or those grip / forearm strengtheners might also be of use for you? It can be a good distraction, as well as allowing yourself to let off some of the steam in a relatively healthy and inconspicuous manner.

    And kudos for knowing this is a problem for you, and looking for help on how to improve it. I hope you’re able to make progress you want, one way or another. Good luck, OP - we’re rooting for you

  • Nah, everyone reacts differently to it, the ones that enjoy it are just a lot more vocal about it.

    Personally THC has varied effects for me. Some strains make me space the fuck out (even more so than usual), as if I’m just skipping forward through time, no background thoughts, nothing. Just flash and I’m 20 minutes later. Others make me extremely anxious. Some make me spiral into a really bad depressive ‘everyone hates me. I hate me’ state. Some cause me to pass out, and not in the ‘mmm good sleep’ way, just straight up collapse to the ground pass out. I’ve found very few that have positive effects for me.

    So you’re definitely not unusual! The THC anxiety is very real