It’s the same word on paper, but pronounced different. Italians tend to speak the vowels longer, with a slightly different sound (the “a” in American sounds like an “uh”, in Italian like a long “ah”). They also speak out both t’s separately.
It’s the same word on paper, but pronounced different. Italians tend to speak the vowels longer, with a slightly different sound (the “a” in American sounds like an “uh”, in Italian like a long “ah”). They also speak out both t’s separately.
Pronounciation differs in Italian, so when they mispronounce, it probably wont’t sound like their American counter parts.
This one. I don’t like the other things you mention. I did join a sub reddit on the topic years ago, but it was awful. Full of people who didn’t know anything of the subject, but were very willing to downvote.
Not all gay people engage in anal sex.
These are the same people who would condemn gays.
You should read the comments for the linked article. Though it seems to be an Isreali site.
I was among the last to get drafted (I’m 48). After my year they stopped drafting, but they never cancelled the draft bill.
I just hope no wars will be started over here (western Europe) in the next ten years, so my sons won’t get drafted.
Never noticed this, will look out for this next time I cross the border.
Pop stars like these two are pretty common for all ages. Like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and Pink, and Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey And all the others before.
As a Dutch person, please don’t make it about the hair. Make it about the far right policies.
All German places I’ve seen, this seems to be a national thing.
Sorry, but, mb, in lowercase? Like millibit?
For me: Mini breaks and short walks help get my head clear, or at least less foggy. Explaining it to someone else also helps, even if the other person is imaginary (which is in most cases for me). Note taking can also help, but I suck at it. When I did do it, my best notes are (for coding) files with a code example containing lots of comments.
This will work great, especially if you hit the gas tank or lines.
Buitl by the west? None of these conflicts have been started by the west!
You’re welcome.
Mind you, this book is considered one of Heinlein’s worst. In my opinion Heilein was great SF writer, but under the surface there’s always something off, which can be explained by his political views. This book has a high percentage of libertarian propaganda.
15 year old me tried to drink a bottle of gin (because I tought it would make me even more cool). Woke up in the hospital the next day, was asked if it was an attempted suicide. I didn’t even know you could die from alcohol poisoning. One year later I crashed my friends car upside down into a canal (back then the minimum age where you learnt to drive was 18 years old in my country). I did some pretty dumb things as a kid.
No idea really.