Some people change their socks every single day, to me that’s a little to much. I’m more of a 2-3days kinda guy. Is changing socks each day absolutely necessary?

Edit: Obviously something is wrong with me, I’ll take some time to rethink my life decisions and buy more socks! 😅 Edit2: I mostly wear wool socks, I hope that justifies this a bit…

    8 months ago

    Yeah, in threads like these the people who react with “ew no the human body is disgusting, why aren’t you constantly changing your clothing and dousing yourself with deoderants after your hourly showers?” Are saying more about themselves than about anyone else. As soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew there’d be a bunch of responses along those lines in here.

    The world is a huge and diverse place, and the people in it are diverse as well. Some people are just stinkier than others. Some people are more sensitive to stinkiness than others. Some climates are more conducive to stinkiness. Some lifestyles are stinkier. Different socks hold smells differently. Some floors are worse than others. There’s no “right” answer to this.