When you’re working you could go hours between bathroom breaks. What if this was your 4th hour and you step out to use the bathroom just to find there’s no water?
It’s not “just” an hour. It’s interrupting people who thought they could count on water being available
A vast majority of people sit through movies, meetings, waiting rooms, appointments, etc. for longer than that with no problem.
Bit of a false equivalence. One is a choice (with the option to avail themselves if needed). The other is not.
Are you suggesting that working at Amazon is comparable in exertion and water loss through sweat as sitting down and watching a movie?
I’m often carrying boxes in excess of 30lbs to the movies. Isn’t everyone!?
So everything you listed is something scheduled. Something people prepare for. Water suddenly not working is neither of those things. Ignorant take
The vast majority of waiting rooms have water coolers and toilets available
When you’re working you could go hours between bathroom breaks. What if this was your 4th hour and you step out to use the bathroom just to find there’s no water?
It’s not “just” an hour. It’s interrupting people who thought they could count on water being available