• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Thanks again for your time and consideration.

    We are discussing here in a community dedicated to science and clearly I have to acknowledge that your arguments here are much better than mine 😆 and that you are very knowledgeable in the current paradigm of science.

    Unfortunately for me, there is no community at Lemmy dedicated to the history of science where “very knowledgeable on the current paradigm” would be so telling for historians knowledgeable in this field.

  • i cannot understand everything (far from it) but here is the part where I believe is an alternative explanation for the CMB :

    Equations (2.38), (2.39), (2.40), and (2.53) all illustrate that the creation rate of particles with energies larger than the inverse expansion time, ρ, is exponentially suppressed. Parker [11] has noted that these exponential factor are similar to those which appear in thermal spectrum at finite temperature.

  • (…) The team’s results were published in January in the journal Nature Astronomy.
    … :
    Weak-lensing detection of intracluster filaments in the Coma cluster https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-02164-w
    Abstract The concordance cosmological model predicts that galaxy clusters grow at the intersection of filaments that structure the cosmic web and extend tens of megaparsecs. Although this hypothesis has been supported by the baryonic components, no observational study has detected the dark matter component of the intracluster filaments (ICFs), the terminal segment of the large-scale cosmic filaments at their conjunction with individual clusters. We report weak-lensing detection of ICFs in the Coma cluster field from the ∼12-deg2 Hyper Suprime-Cam imaging data. The detection is based on two methods, the matched-filter technique and the shear-peak statistic. The matched-filter technique yields detection significances of 6.6σ and 3.6σ for the northern and western ICFs at 110° and 340°, respectively. The shear-peak statistic yields detection significances of 3.1σ and 2.8σ for these ICFs. Both ICFs are highly correlated with the overdensities in the weak-lensing mass reconstruction and are well aligned with the known large-scale (>10 Mpc) cosmic filaments associated with the Coma supercluster.