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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m a Canadian, so the only hate speech laws that I care about are the ones for my country.

    No I do not think intentional misgendering should be considered hate speech (in the legal sense)

    I would absolutely fire an employee of mine for doing it though, even if I found out they did it outside of a work context.

    Just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be consequences for it.

  • A) This thread is 8 months old, what the hell are you doing going through stuff this old. Get a life.

    B) If you do it intentionally, knowing that they don’t want it, you’re a bad person. It’s not hate speech though based on the legal description in Canada. Just like I can call you a thin-skinned small-dicked asshole and it’s not hate speech.

  • Generally when you commit a crime, you get convicted, complete your sentence, and then you get all of your rights back unless you’re deemed a risk to the public in which case you may have additional restrictions on your freedom.

    Not everyone re-offends. In fact, for many types of crimes, the recidivism rate is fairly low. Your assumption that this person is going to put women at risk is short sighted, especially given the fact that a person is FAR more likely to be sexually assaulted by their own romantic partner than a random person.

    The problem with banning someone from any sort of employment where they have contact with the other gender, is that that essentially prevents them from working in any capacity. There are no industries with only a single gender across the entire organization. If they hired only men, it would be considered discriminatory and they could be sued.

    It also doesn’t in any way reflect the fact that this person will encounter women everywhere, from the grocery store to the gas station. Work is hardly the only place where people encounter others.

  • Mode is easily be screwed up by data distribution, it’s used for almost nothing.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 45, 98, 100, 100

    Mode = 100 Mean = 39.8 Median = 45

    Mean is used because it handles most data-sets well, it just gets screwed up a lot when there are big outliers. That’s when we use Median instead.

    For example we use Median a lot for household incomes, there’s a lot of data points, but there are some ridiculously wealthy people and some people that make absolutely nothing. Mode doesn’t really work in this situation, because it would likely just be 0.

  • This has nothing to do with “free speech” and people need to stop misusing that concept. Free speech only protects you from the government impairing your speech, not other people or even businesses.

    For example, If a mall decided to say “you’re not allowed to say bad things about China on our property” they could eject you from their property if you did say something bad about China. You don’t have the right to free speech on their property. Just like websites can ban you from saying specific things on their sites as well.

    This is about threatening other people, you’re not allowed to do that for any reason, speech or otherwise. That’s why this asshat’s conviction is for cyberstalking and threat charges.