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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Lying to yourself is still lying.

    Also, saying you can fly is a lie even if you intend to fly. Saying you will lift a car is a lie even if you want to lift the car.

    Saying you will do something and then making no effort to do that thing is lying. I don’t care that in the moment you say it you intend to do it, if you don’t intend to take the steps that lead you to do it, it’s lying.

    Saying you will do the dishes and then never walking up to the sink or turning on the water and instead playing video games and then going to bed is lying. You will not do the dishes, even though you said you would.

  • You’ve been down voted a lot here, but I think it’s by people who have never been with a partner who does this. If you promise to do the dishes and then go to bed without doing them over and over, the promise starts to be a lie.

    If your partner says " I promise" “just trust me” and then continuously breaks that promise (even if in the moment they sincerely believe they’ll do better this time) and then fails to follow through, I believe that abuse of trust qualifies at lying. We’re adults. You can review your patterns and know better than to promise something you know you have trouble following though on.

    Just promise to try or say you’ll do your best

  • I don’t get how showering is less than an hour affair for any women at least. Between washing my hair, washing my body, shaving under my arms, and shaving my legs, that’s easily 30 minutes. And then the whole applying moisturizer so my skin doesn’t totally dry out from the shower, toweling off, lying in front of a fan to actually feel dry, and semi drying my hair, that’s an hour (plus my hair is still wet for hours after). This does not include the time spent convincing myself to shower. I shower twice a week. Less if I don’t have anything going on that week/ I get to stay home.

    I don’t, because my hair is naturally straight, but a lot of women also have to completely reset their hair with every shower too, blow drying, straightening, curling - whatever they do to look professional again.

    I absolutely do use deodorant though, and I also clean under my pits with a washcloth between showers if I ever start to smell anything past neutral

  • If your vagina smells bad, you should go to your doctor in case you have an infection. Vaginas should smell neutral to mild. That said, You’re really not supposed to use any kind of soap in or directly around a vagina, so it’s a bit concerning that you mention lack of soap and smelly vaginas in the same point. Vaginas are self cleaning and using soaps (especially with any kind of fragrance!) Can lead to serious issues. Clean with water and a newly washed wash cloth (only if you use non scented, mild detergent) or water and a clean hand. You should not clean anything past the exterior.

    Let your body clean itself out with your natural lubricant, and then clean the outside with water daily.

  • Women’s showers take longer and are full of chores. I have to wash my body same as you, but then I have to wash hair (long hair, a lengthy process) shave under my arms, shave my legs, wash my face several times to remove mascara, and currently, as I am pregnant, I have to do special skin care for my boobs, belly, and upper thighs to account for the painful skin stretching of quick growth. I try to break it up so it doesn’t all fall on the same day, but the quickest I can get out on a day I have to do all of it is like 30 minutes. The music keeps me on track so I don’t spend any time just standing under the water not doing a chore.

  • I always thought it was purely social conditioning, but I’ve got a theory that just popped in my head. I wonder if women need to be more vocal to communicate “Yes that’s good, keep doing that”? Like frankly my partner is often in charge of pace, depth, and even calling for position changes. I’m letting him know with my noises how good something is for me, If you should keep doing it, or if I get quiet he knows to try something different. I don’t mind him being quiet at all, until I’m on top and then I’m like I literally cannot tell if this is good for you. I have to ask out loud “is that good?” And then change something, “is that good?” After a blow-job I have to ask him, what parts did you like more than the other parts? Obviously I can tell he’s into it overall, but It’s really hard to know if a rhythm or amount of pressure is better than another if moaning doesn’t increase when you try something. Like he can absolutely tell when he hits a good spot when fingering me because my moans make it very obvious. I will straight say, “yes,” “please,” “right there,” “don’t move.” All kinds of stuff. It’s not just about making it hotter for the other person, it’s about communicating how good something is for you so they don’t have to do as much guessing