‘The more I see of what you call civilisation, the more highly I think of what you call savagery.’

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • All of the sanctions and European energy security were banked on the idea that Russian frontlines would collapse under the super Nato equipped Ukrainian counterattack and then there would be a regime change in Moscow and gas would flow again. Now Ukraine is on the backfoot, there is no change in Moscow and Russia oil still flows to Europe, but only through intermediaries and loopholes, because there really never was an short to medium term alternative for it in the way the global oil market is structured. The sanctions were actual serious sanctions and their architects thought that they would actually work, but the decisions were made on faulty assumptions of effectiveness of sanctions and the structure of Russia economy.

  • it’s probably only beneficial to China if the housing bubble is deflated. Astronomically inflated housing prices are only bad for economic growth in any country as they create unnecessary upward pressure for mortgages and rents that then push up wages in high housing cost areas and therefore make it more unaffordable to do business and produce things.

    The only problem is to make sure it doesn’t just spiral out of hand and that all housing projects of Evergrande will finish and people wont lose their homes. Then investors can realize their losses as they should and not expect a bailout.

  • Or they see that US has a economical nuclear bomb in the dollar and it’s increasingly more reckless in it’s use and they naturally want to isolate their economies from the fate that Washington just decides that they are not “free”, “democratic” or somehow against US interest and decide to unilaterally sanction them and keep wrecking their economy until US demands are met. You do know that third of world’s countries are under some sort of US sanctions and very few of them were or are on war footing towards anybody. World wants out of the dollar because US is no longer seen as reliable.