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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • “To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold.” - France foreign minister, according to the article’s first line.

    What moral threshold, mr. foreign minister? Moral threshold that separates the western “right and responsibility” to invade, occupy, do mass massacres, out the people through genocide by both killing them by the thousands and destroying or stealing their cultural heritage, funneling all if their natural resources at dirt cheap prices to add to your own wealth? Hmm, maybe it isn’t slavery when you just "outsource"it?

    What moral threshold? Something like “Israel government can’t be fascists because they are the ruling organization over a people that were put through Holocaust by our then-enemies-but-current-allies, so only we can form any narrative about them?”

    Western democracies’ hypocrisy on full display as usual. Defenders of the human rights, only when it is their people and when they comply with their hegemonic agenda.

  • Almost every nation in the South America, West Africa, East Europe, Middle Asia and individually-located notable countries like Turkey and Mexico recognize the Palestinian statehood, while not officially taking any stance in China’s Xinjiang policies. There is a whole lots of difference, more than 7 if you are into childrens drawings games, openly visible in very distinct and legible colors for normal human perception. Maybe you are in a “western propaganda corporate” that can’t find the differences.

    The question is, do you deny the internationally proven, caught-in-the-act photographs and videos of killings of thousands of civilians by IDF, most of which are children, minors and innocent adult men and women. I’m not even mentioning the after-action reports, which can be exaggerated or outright set up as we have seen in most IDF reports and some Hamas reports.

    Do you mean to say your humanism extends only to be used as political grounds for making up a casus belli against countries your Anglosphere (plus Japan and S. Korea) doesn’t like and would love to get a piece of, since we have seen what it did to the countries in South America and Middle East in the last century?

    I am a proponent of the current human rights and individual identity being exercised in European countries. I wish that level of personal freedom could be exercised in the rest of the world. However, I’m aware of the circumstances in which these developed, including colonialism, exploitation, invasions and slavery and the resulting robbery of wealth of the rest of the world, hiding behind the war machines of innocent science and reason.

    What we see from these maps is how your developed countries are lying and genociding hypocrites, compared to rest of the world’s utter piece of craps being blatant genociders. Go have your eyes or brain checked, we are tired of your subversive attempts at acquitting genocide committed by your Israeli government allies.

  • You probably know better, but I can’t help saying this anyway: Don’t go for any substance or addictive activities unless it is clearly healthy living. Substance abuse, sometimes even simple use, when in bad mood can lead to more of that bad mood. Substance use at better times can be more effective in enjoying stuff more and having less time to think about bad thoughts, than trying to suppress bad thoughts via substance abuse during those moments. Using substances as good mood enhancers rather than escapes from bad moods, of course depending on the person, context, and actual variety of the substance, can come to you better and as a very natural, mostly non-addictive form of substance use.

    Addictive activities to suppress unresolved emotions can lead to withdrawal effects just like substance abuse, some activities do that soon and some after long durations.

    I’m not a gymbro, and actually a fatass on high levels of overweightpart on the scale, but fitness activities do help with getting rid of rent free thoughts, secreting some kind of hormones that can help lift your mood, leading to situations (hopefully nicer) like meeting people, seeing even ordinary sights that can look stunning, feeling of progress on something, etc. that can replace those bad thoughts, at least most of the time. It can work very early if you can enjoy the feeling of slightly but a bit lengthy sore muscles, and/or it can give visible satisfying results in the mid/long term if you can keep up.

    Not saying do this last, since the events you said can stick with you rightfully as very indignifying things to do unto others, getting over these thoughts via your own attempts or your social circles’ help may not prove good enough, even with best effort and intentions. Seeking professional help, even as the first next thing, could prove to be best in this case.

    Try to see what works for you, and take any example or advice as alternatives or options rather than surefire methods. There are many variables, including context, person, perception, reception, intensity, duration, etc. that are very crucial in resolving psychological situations, and finding the exact answers for your variables is almost surely improbable. As how most therapy are assisting you find solutions for your problems, and not giving you answers to your problems, you’ll understand what works for you better in the end.

  • The fuck does “returning to new port” mean? You don’t fucking return to a new port. Stop trying to interpret even the agreements your ancestors put in place just because they don’t suit how dumb of a move you did today. Internstional agreements aren’t there to be imposed on others and lifted for you whenever you like.

    As the other commenter said, there were and are alternatives. Should have utilized them. Turkey is keeping to the agreement, as it did when the matter was Russian warships last year. Were you crying for Russian warships then?

  • To be honest I would argue the sentiment that this approach isn’t what most Israeli civilians envisioned for some years now, but seeing as how all actions taken by both IDF and Israeli government, I seriously doubt this guy is alone in his fascist thoughts when he bursts out these inhumane sentiments.

    I would advise against defending these genocidal state apparatus, nor mixing the views of civilian population of Israel with these bloodthirsty colonialist monsters.

    Israeli people are innocent in this conflict, as are Palestinian people. However, Palestinian people are too poor and oppressed from all sides to make a conscious decision to root out Hamas, so the part of responsibility that falls on them is hard to accomplish. Israeli people, on the other hand, still have enough faculties, although at the brink of destruction by the fear-mongering campaign of Bibi the Genocider, to carry out their part of the responsibility in forming peaceful living by dismantling their current terrorist and fascist government (at the elections at worst).

    What I advise is don’t try push the blame under a rug by making scapegoats out of a few people while letting the rest ruin the last semblance of your democracy.

  • Get dragged? US is already dousing the fire with most flammable assets, and also stoking it as hard as it can by giving Israel blank checks in any use of US weapons, forcing a “they deserve it” narrative on Palestinian genocide and land grab, pressuring its western allies to turn a completely blind eye and just say “Hamas is the only bad guy here” so making them an uncompromising block.

    It could have turned out to be a mass murder of Israeli civilians, a hostage situation the can be diplomatically defused, then appropriate repercussions, maybe the same old oppression going on in Gaza for decades, and actual targeting of Hamas leaders. Instead, we have your fucking oil industry governed military industry executed facade of a civilized country leading every situation to a bloodbath.

    What US interest in the Middle East left anyway? Is it time for gobbling Iranian petrol yet? So the US oil lobby can continue its planet-fuckery emissions full speed?