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Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Modern conservative governance, not just in the UK, has failed to address the significant social, ecological, and economic changes facing our global society.

    Unfortunately, despite these shortcomings, the fear of change and a reluctance to embrace progress ensure that conservatives won’t easily lose elections. It’s a recurring pattern seen not only in the UK but also mirrored globally. The past 13+ years of Tory rule highlight the challenges of an electorate that seems somewhat ignorant and self-centered.

  • Since Ariel Sharon, conservative ideologies have been deeply ingrained in Israeli politics, and Netanyahu’s resignation may not bring about a fundamental shift in this longstanding trend.

    The political landscape has been characterized by continuity, and despite changes in leadership, the core ideologies often persist. The implications for the lives of Israelis and Palestinians might not undergo a substantial transformation.

    Obligatory: Fuck Hamas and Netanyahu

  • Mateoto@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.mlPalestine-Israel Crisis Megathread
    9 months ago

    The situation is complex, dating back to British involvement with the Belfort Plan in delineating Israel’s territory. In recent years, a cycle fueled by radicals and right-wing hardliners on both sides has intensified.

    Don’t get me wrong, the recent casualties result from pure terrorism and Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism. Israels retaliation on the other hand as we can see will create a human catastrophe affecting everyone. Hopefully both parties will immediately stop and opt for peaceful dialogue.

  • I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree. An internal strife alone doesn’t necessarily lead to military action.

    A military conflict involving Taiwan would have global implications, affecting regional stability and the world economy. Xi is fully aware of that and knows that his political power extends only as far as his economy remains stable. Looking at the last BRICS meeting, we see that China is eager to compensate for any economic embargoes with a stable structure and demand from its partners – which, as of today, is still a work in progress.

    Furthermore, the Ukrainian war has shown, the West can swiftly mitigate major impacts on its economy (see Germany moving completely away from gas exports from Russia). China is aware of that too and knows that while devastating, the west will work closely together to compensate such an economic distaster and cut ties with China completly.

    While the current situation requires vigilance and preparation for the worst, we can at least see that China remains in absolute need of its Western allies, and a military intervention would be a complete disaster, even for Xi.

    That’s likely why he’s consolidating power by eliminating political opponents and critics, but history has shown that being blinded by power, as Putin is in the case of Ukraine, leads to devastation.

  • Absolutely, targeting activism towards the lifestyles of the rich is a crucial step in addressing the issue of higher CO2 emissions and climate change. It’s not about vilifying individuals, but rather recognizing that certain lifestyles contribute significantly to environmental harm.

    Focusing solely on the lower and middle class isn’t the solution, as they are the ones who often bear the brunt of climate change impacts and economic adjustments. What might be considered “luxury” for them is often just basic necessities, and their livelihoods are directly affected by climate-related changes.

    On the other hand, the elite and super elites can afford to make substantial changes to their lifestyles without sacrificing their basic needs. Cutting back on private flights, yachts, and excessive consumption won’t significantly impact their quality of life. Their choices to reduce their environmental footprint can send a powerful message and create a domino effect, encouraging positive change on a larger scale.

    This doesn’t mean demonizing anyone; it’s about promoting awareness and responsibility. We need systemic changes, and these should start from the top down. By targeting the source of excessive consumption and promoting sustainable choices among the rich, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for everyone.