• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Man, having moscovia as its neighbor really is bane. If they would only spend 5% of their time developing their own country instead of pushing others into discord , they would be sooooo prosperous. But no, they choosed to be the biggest annoyance for anyone who is spending their time building up their own countries. They are like the guy in school, that is disrupting others, because he is to stupid to solve the given task and can’t stand to be singled out, so he has to try to pull the others down, so his failure is not so visible. In the end, he will still fail and nothing changes: Ruski Mir.

  • NATO is a defensive alliance. It does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia, or any other nations. NATO did not invade Georgia. NATO did not invade Ukraine. Russia did.

    Full ACK.

    Super Interesting the section at the bottom with “Archived claims (before February 2022)”. Because Russias Firehose of falsehood is that massive between 2000-2014 and 2014-2022 , that it is quite interesting to see what claims continued and what were added new by russian propaganda.

    Here are the claims before 2022: (All of course propaganda by russia)

    • Claim: NATO’s presence in the Baltic region is dangerous
    • Claim: NATO missile defence threatens Russian security
    • Claim: NATO is aggressive and a threat to Russia
    • Claim: NATO enlargement threatens Russia
    • Claim: NATO nuclear sharing and nuclear exercises violate the Non-Proliferation Treaty
    • Claim: NATO’s enhanced forward presence violates the NATO-Russia Founding Act?
    • Claim: NATO promised Russia it would not expand after the Cold War
    • Claim: By suspending practical cooperation with Russia, NATO undermines security
    • Claim: Russia has the right to demand a guarantee that Ukraine and Georgia will not join NATO
    • Claim: NATO has bases all around the world
    • Claim: NATO whips up ‘hysteria’ over Russia’s exercises
    • Claim: NATO is a U.S. geopolitical project
    • Claim: NATO has tried to isolate or marginalise Russia
    • Claim: NATO should have disbanded at the end of the Cold War
    • Claim: NATO’s operation in Afghanistan was a failurecs
    • Claim: NATO’s operation over Libya was illegitimate
    • Claim: NATO’s operation over Kosovo was illegitimate

    Always the victim - yet the best and strongest country on earth. Ridiculous.

  • Maduro is a lying, murderous, corrupt piece of shit. Always has been. Always will be. And when people go on the street to protest, they get shot at by maduros henchman or put in prison and tortured. I do not get how the other countries in south america stay idle while he is moving borders. I hope this guys can be put in front of an international court one day for the atrocities he did during his regime. And this episode with Guyana is just the latest of his crimes. Since his best friend Putin is not sending him oil-tankers anymore, he get quite brave. I hope someone or something will get in his way soon… He is such a piece of shit.