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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • This is due to activist investors.

    That’s people who’ll buy up enough stock to be allowed at shareholders meetings and then they’ll fucking DRILL the C-suite non-stop, derailing the meetings.

    It’s a good strategy, even if it forces you in bed with evil. Make the rest of the shareholders undeniably knowledgeable and then theyll have to contend with shame or don the moniker themselves. Or start demanding ethical business practices themselves, which is what the lawsuit is ultimately trying to avoid.

  • The defenders of capitalism complaining about capitalism? It’s not like the public has been quiet on this issue for the past 20 years. Get creative. Stop eating advocato toast. Starting wages hover at $35/hr. Somehow I don’t hear any sympathy.

    Have they ran out of people to qualified immunity? I get that murder is the main draw there but theft by law enforcement is only beaten out by wage theft from corporations. Unless things have gotten so threadbare that they can’t make ends meet with all the state sanctioned profiteering.

    Maybe they should consider a different line of work. Learn to code. Go to a trade school. Become a plumber.

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoEurope@lemmy.mlApple to EU: “Go fuck yourself”
    5 months ago

    Apple has a trillion dollars in the bank.

    Why would a company hoard up such an enormous pool of money? That couldn’t have been more prudently spent on R+D or whatever Apple does nowadays?

    The only reason to horde wealth like that is to threaten nation(s). Apple can decide to sell off its trillion dollars and tank the entire global economy, great depression style.

    They’re commiting economic terrorism and I won’t shed any tears if Tim Cook, the rest of the CSuite or any board members just end up disappearing. In my eyes thatd just make trhe world a better place.

  • I also don’t think the average person willve saved up 5mil to retire on, in fact I don’t think the average person will be able to retire, period.

    The majority of bankruptcies are from medical expenses, from people WITH health insurance.

    If you think that that’s acceptable, then I question your morality.

    The whole point wasn’t in the actual numbers but feel free to use it to practice your algebra. Focusing on the numbers avoids the point completely, but I guess that is easier then root causes and structural problems to our capitalism/legal system.

  • After that power company got blackmailed in the American South and extorted for like 40000 Bitcoin, which they paid…but then within 24 hours the FBI had recovered all of it…which is something no one was supposed to be capable of doing, I’m going to go ahead and say Bitcoin anonymity is compromised.

    That means the FBI or DHS has devoted the computational power necessary to track every.single.bitcoin.transaction and then indexed it all well enough to cross reference against metadata.

    Bitcoin is as secure as they allow it to be. It’s most likely allowed for the same reason the Tor network is, because it’s an avenue to move resources or information to undercover assets overseas.

  • Clearly, that’s why I hopped up on the downvote wagon with you, the truth is the truth, even if you don’t like it.

    What’s ironic, is this guy (and the downvoters) seem incapable of recognizing that we are both right.

    Exceptions, outliers exist, obviously, but that doesn’t make the generalization not true. They are both true.

    Look at the flipside, has anyone even see some tattooed, fit, charming guy with an old out of shape Karen on a back of his motorcycle? No? Why is that? Would that be because he can pull a fit, younger girl, or multiples of that?

    None of this is new news. Railing at the system while using the system isn’t going to change the system.

    Instead of being bitter that you’re starting position wasn’t perfect, be grateful that the resources are almost universally available. You might not be able to get much of “A” but you don’t need 100% of any of the like ~20 attributes that make you an appealing mate.

    Like, dudes, the answers RIGHT THERE, how much closer would you be if you had worked on your skills instead of just bitching online or being bitter? So you have to work on shit, but guess what, WE ALL DO. Ffs. How’s this so hard to grasp?

  • I highly question this. A Dougie at 30 is about a foot across. I just took 7 Dougie’s down on my lot, the largest was 24in at chest height. I can see Puget sound from my place. In fact, I actually counted the rings on one of them and it was 101 years old. Shit. Now I’m gonna go look and measure the 30. I dyed every fifth ring when I counted it initially.

    K, so at 30y/o the only stump I left in the ground was only 8.5 inches across and 20in in diameter at 101, so that’s an easy 24in with the bark. The tree was 120ft tall when I felled it in July. A real shame too, I wanted to keep all of them but fire damage. The next day beetles had already hit all of them. I dropped the trees a week after the fire and debarked them to help protect the wood before i could mill them, and there were hundreds of beetle tracks under the burned bark. Pine beetles live under the bark, in the cambium, no bark=no beetle. But the California wood wasps showed up the day I dropped the bark. Those things are terrifying, jet black, 2.5 inches long with an inch long stinger on top of that, so about the width of your palm. Adult pine beetles are about 3inches long when they emerge too. Wicked little fuckers, the both of them

  • It’s a very capitalist, or monopolistic, worldview.

    To run a business corrillary; Exxon and BP were undisputed leaders in their fields going way back, whether or not they were number 1 isn’t even important, they were/are major players. Studies were conducted in the 70s that showed climate change was guaranteed (nevermind newsprint from the 1900’s talking about the same thing. 120 years ago this was foreseen) gave them 2 options.

    1. Use that knowledge and invest heavily into solar, wind and other energy generating tech, since they already know the energy sector as players in it, they have a huge advantage on every start up. They can control the conversation. If you’re business is going to be made obsolete and replaced, well, it makes the most sense for you to do that to yourself, right?

    2. Ooooooooor suppress the research, PR campaign public support, act innocent when scientists with scruples finally catch up, and extract as long as you can while you can.

    Which did the ruling capitalist hegemon (cuz oil runs the world) choose?

    Giving your kids all the tools so they can go create and contribute however they see fit is a fucking admiral goal. In fact, it’s the best you can do for your child. Taking away all challenge and hardship by passing along immeasurable wealth does not help a persons pro-social maturing. How could it, it’s isolationist by its own very nature. This is why the Scrooge trope exists.

    The same logic needs to be extended to copyright law. 20 years then public domain. You had an idea that took off? Good for you! Now why should the inventor of pixie sticks not have to work ever again? If anything, they’ve just got the next 20 years of developing and innovating funded. They already have an advantage. Those who fail to use it, imo, shouldnt warrant pity. We shouldn’t reward laziness and laurels shouldn’t be a ride at societies amusement park.

  • Or that modern proverb about the bartender not serving kicking out the respectful skinhead. In summary, if you let one in, next time he’ll bring his 2 buddies and they’ll behave. Then a week later you turn around and your a nazi bar.

    I have a pretty easy litmus test for people. If you want your personal beliefs to become law and force other people to live your values, it’s simple. I think you’re a monster. End of story. The basic do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone is really all we need. If you can’t eat pork, don’t live on a pig farm, but if you can’t control yourself then your failings are between you, your conscience and your god and nobody has fuck-all to do with any of that. I have personal beliefs I think would make for terrible policy. I thought everyone had that, or could recognize that but holy shit was I giving some ppl way too much credit. I can’t tell you how many grown ass adults, living on their own for decades, I’ve had to look dead in the eye and say that just bc you thought something doesn’t mean it means shit. Your thoughts aren’t holy, aren’t a revelation from some esoteric being, and they aren’t a conduit or embodiment of the divine. At least a dozen people who’ve never even considered the alternative. It still stuns me, as much as it disgusts me.

    It’s like too many people think that because the boomers got away with acting despicable (and they we’re collectively lead poisoned and essentially stopped emotionally maturing at 14) that that’s the norm and now it’s their turn. And yea, nope. Strike that thought from your brain. Act right or GTFO. Most of Gen X, almost all of Millennials and a larger chunk of GenZ haven’t turned conservative upon getting older. If anything I’ve swung harder left. We outnumber them.

  • I am 100% with you about believing people when they tell you who they are. They’ll cut off their own nose to spite their face, never, ever underestimate a conservatives capacity to withstand hardship or pain if it’s causing their rival more or the same. It’s inspiring, in all the wrong ways.

    Liberals in blue states have been the largest group buying guns and ammo since 2016 and the trend hasn’t slowed.

    Look into it. I live in a blue Western state outside the major metropolitan area, which I worked in for 15 years.

    Id say a good 80% of the people I know vote Dem and id say a SOLID 85% of everyone I know across the board owns a gun. Everyone is armed, in their homes/apartments at a minimum.

    Interestingly, out of the 1000s of ppl I know, veterans (and students 😞) want gun control the most, while those I know in working on the force or in law in a another capacity and vehemently against. Which is kind of mind blowing. Gun control would make a cops job easier, maybe not in the first year, but it’d cumulatively stack. Australia did it, it can be done, save any arguments unless you want to explain how another unruly offspring if the British Empire is soooo culturally different than we are.

    Anyways, tons of Liberals own guns, like guns, and can actually afford to take them to the range all the fucking time, they just don’t fucking yap on and on about it and make it their personality.

    I wish they felt the same about craft beer, for fucks sake.

  • As well as teach tolerance for other cultures, different perspectives and the humanities in general.

    Cancelling tourism across the board will 100% end up with everyone going to war with each other within a single lifetime, by means of the power hungry/money hungry/attention hungry “othering” everything not within eyeshot.

    We’re essentially talking about de-democratizing cultures and returning power to the hands of the few who get to translate the outside world for us. Idk about you, but I’m not interested in living under INGSOC or a return to cardinals gate-keeping wisdom, and substituting their own, behind the proverbial Latin.

    We need to curb greenhouse gases, yes, but we need that by normalizing green tech, not dropping another quarantine curtain on everyone. We need MORE tourism, like it or not. Maybe a state sanctioned, and funded, 2 years before uni for teens to have their own modern ‘walkabouts’ and get some exposure. We need everyone to gain some culture, after all, the more traveled we are, the less dogmatic and less inclined towards violence we tend to become. Which makes governing a population have to focus more on coercion and policy/dialectics and perhaps there’s the rub. It’s easier to start programming the young (kindergarten) with nationalism than sway opinions with rationality. Maybe that’s where the burnt of modern problems stem from.

  • Torys have been buying up the land that NHS hospitals are on and jacking up their rents

    …then railing on and on about the ever rising costs of health care

    Playing the long game until some crisis comes and then poof, welcome to the American Health* care system, you give us everything you own and we’ll give you 3 months to live. Maybe.

    And forget about dental and vision. That’s for rich people.

    Seriously Neoliberalism is anti-nationalist. The rich fucking despise regular people and do everything they can to, first, ensure that they are getting the government contracts, and then B, looting all that money, saying government doesn’t work and dismantling us back to fuedalism.