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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • It’s not a 2 party system, it’s a corporate uni-party and they’re all being paid by AIPAC to let the genocide continue. It’s disgusting, and for this reason alone I won’t support either of those parties. If either party cares about politics at all, more than their donor money, then a sizable vote for green/PSL should register with them and force them to adjust their campaigning in ‘28, or else they’ll lose power rapidly as 3rd parties gain momentum. From this perspective, which you clearly don’t understand, voting for either R or D is throwing a vote away. Voting for a better alternative is not giving a vote to Trump, that is the simpleton turd sandwich framing which you’ve just desparaged. This blames voters, and it’s wrong - Biden is losing these votes all by himself.

    I’d like to briefly address your last comment as well. Democrats have had numerous opportunities in the last 20 years to codify Roe into law, and they chose not to do so. Instead, they wanted to fear monger over republicans taking away women’s bodily autonomy and fundraise off of it. All the while, manufacturing consent for the republicans to do just that. It’s very leopards ate my face to act surprised about this, and disingenuous at best to claim democrats are some kind of women’s rights champions. If you’re at all interested in a leader who will actually safeguard women, cis or trans, vote for Jill Stein this November.

  • crusa187@lemmy.mltoStar Trek@startrek.websiteYo , tell me something?
    4 months ago

    This feels a bit like awkward social commentary, which I’m going to overlook to try to answer your question. In DS9 there are a few takes on tabloids and newscasts. There’s an episode where the crew is working an old-time print newspaper gig, and also the war updates/propaganda

    Also, in voyager Neelix has a much beloved vlog/newsletter about goings-on around the ship

  • I agree with your sentiment, and here’s why I think it hasn’t yet happened - a strong progressive leader wouldn’t be beholden to the types of bribery and corruption commonly used to control political figures. So, the corporate media (primary benefactors of the bribe money via advertising dollars), never platforms emerging progressive candidates. One, because they don’t have unlimited PAC money to spend on ads, and two, because they’re afraid the progressive would overturn the apple cart and change the system which presently benefits them tremendously.

    Just imagine how easily a strong progressive could get elected if given 24/7 free media coverage like Trump gets! They won’t get that though, so I think the answer is to organize - we have to choose the right candidate to win, and rally around them years in advance of an upcoming election to get enough grassroots momentum and fundraising in place to break through. No small task, but I’m hopeful this will happen in the next couple of election cycles due to the growing discontent as more people realize just how badly we’ve been screwed and lied to by the establishment.

  • Isn’t playing it safe literally what got us into this mess?! I say no, the time for sincere, meaningful, and drastic change is NOW. We’re on the titanic cruising towards that iceberg, and we need to change course quickly or our democracy will be lost. We have to root out the corruption in DC before it’s too late.

    Biden claims that democracy is on the line in this election. So why is he working so hard behind the scenes to ensure there isn’t even a primary debate, or primary elections held? If he is so deserving of a second term, wouldn’t he naturally come out ahead in those? And if not, wouldn’t the platform for the emerging candidates give them the national boost they need to clinch the win? He doesn’t care as much about democracy as the non-MAGA 2/3 of us like to think. The truth is Biden’s ego is telling him he deserves a second term, and not his record, which is an incredibly dangerous game for this absolute dinosaur to be playing with our democracy.

    I hear you on Gore, the world would be so different. We could be leaders in renewable tech and have ushered in a new age of prosperity free from the fossil fuels which are wrecking our ecosystem. But let’s be clear - Nader voters did not cost Gore the win. After several recounts, it was proven that Gore did in fact win FL. The Supreme Court at the time decided to give the win to W Bush, because the corporate news media had already called the elections, and they didn’t think it was worth causing too much of a ruckus. A court which Biden has left incredibly biased at a time where they’re stripping away women’s bodily autonomy - he should be pushing to resize it, remove corrupt justices, etc and he’s done none of that.

    Biden’s only promise he truly delivered on was to his donors - “nothing will fundamentally change.” I’m telling you, that’s not good enough to “save democracy”. Not by a long shot.