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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Introversion just means socializing tires you out instead of energizing you like it does for extroverts. It doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it or avoid it. Way too many people conflate introversion with social anxiety, being awkward, or just plain not liking other people all that much, but it doesn’t necessarily involve any of those things.

    If people are interrupting you, try headphones. If I really need to get something done, that’s what I do - even if someone still interrupts, it gives them a visual clue that I’m doing something else, and then I can say, “oh hey, just trying to focus on ____, what’s up?” If it’s important, they’ll get to it faster. If it’s not, most people will say they’ll catch you later. But if people are just generally trying to interact and you see it as bothering you, that’s more than introversion.