• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Check out the r/worldnews thread. Example:

    So let me get this straight.

    Israel bombs hospitals to target Hamas terrorists. Everyone hates that because of the indirect casualties to civilian lives and direct damage to precious infrastructure.

    Israel then does targeted attacks inside hospitals and ensures only Hamas terrorists die with very minimal damage to anything else. Everyone hates that because “they didn’t do it right.”

    So then how are they supposed to get into hospitals to take these guys down? Is it a free terrorist shelter now? Is everyone inside a hospital safe from retaliation?

    They want praise for only committing like three separate warcrimes instead of blowing up the already occupied hospital.

  • You have to understand that in this dynamic, both sides of the electoral spectrum play a role in moving us to the right.

    The liberals can do certain things that the conservatives wouldn’t be able to get through, and the conservatives can do certain things that the liberals wouldn’t be able to do. But the leadership of those parties are captured by the capitalist class. They sell out and mislead their base. It’s all part of class warfare. And since I was born, the working class has been on the losing side, no matter whether social democrats or conservatives are in power.

    Just as an example, our so-called center-left coalition just passed the most far-right deportation policy, and supported the most far-right EU immigration law (which fascists like Italy’s Meloni where very happy about). Why them and not Merkel? Because without the support of the Greens (and their support networks and associated media), no serious, organized and mainstream opposition to these far-right laws is possible. Previously, all these people would lobby and protest and make a stink in mainstream media about these sorts of dehumanizing laws. But the leadership of the Green party switched sides, and withdrew all institutional support, and now this stuff can get passed with barely a peep of protest.

  • But there has been no progress during my lifetime (well not here and not in the US, there might have been some progress in other parts of the world). In fact, whenever we had “left”-liberals in power here in Germany, the march towards the right only accelerated, as they adopted right-wing neoliberal policies and took at least part their base with them over to the right, and the rest gets marginalized. We’ve had some fatal damage done to the welfare state, worker’s rights and the anti-war movement, all by the social democrats and greens.

    Your affirmation that there is “slow progress” is clearly not true. There was some progress before I was born, but as far as I can tell, that had nothing at all to do with voting for the lesser evil.

  • The problem here is that there was no intent to cause a famine at all, and neither was a specific group (like Ukrainians) specifically targeted for starvation once it was there. This isn’t some fringe opinion, this is the opinion of mainstream Western historians like Davies and Wheatcroft that actually research this stuff.

    Putting the Holodomor (not a genocide) on the same level as the Holocaust (textbook genocide) is therefore relativizing the Holocaust. This was and is used to whitewash Nazis (and collaborators) and their crimes as basically a form of “self-defense” or liberation. This was already actual Nazi propaganda used by the Nazis, and is now state-sponsored propaganda used in e.g. the Baltic states to rehabilitate actual Holocaust perpetrators.

    In May 2012, the foreign minister of Lithuania (left) honored Prof. Snyder in the week during which his government was reburying with full honors the 1941 Nazi puppet prime minister. The foreign minister is known for his antisemitic outbursts, his Hitler-Stalin “moustache comparison” and his defense of the Nazi’s reburial on the floor the nation’s parliament. The event has been seen as part of a wider pattern of high officials honoring western dignitaries who seem to be supporting — or can be presented as favoring — one or more components of Baltic revisionist history.

    Timothy Snyder is the “double genocide” historian and author.

    In July 2012, the Lithuanian foreign minister explained how Professor Snyder’s Bloodlands will be utilized during Lithuania’s (rotating) EU presidency in 2013, as part of a wider “Double Genocide offensive” in the EU. The use of Bloodlands for the nationalist narrative had earlier been proposed or explained by professors Saulius Sužiedėlis and Egidijus Aleksandravičius. Earlier (ab)use of ‘Bloodlands’ included a September 2011 book event held at the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry where passages were misquoted to defame Jewish partisan veterans.


  • This doesn’t make sense. People are going to forget about this incident in a couple of days, and nothing will change. Why would Russia sacrifice their plane for a couple of days of bad PR for Ukraine?

    Someone fucked up and did not tell the air defense crew to hold their fire, most likely. Ukraine says it was the Russians that forgot to tell them. Maybe? You’d think the details of this prisoner exchange would have been hashed out days before in detail, so I’m thinking it more likely someone on Ukraine’s side forgot hand down this info to the AD crew. But who knows, it’s gonna be he said, she said.

    The fact that Ukraine is already is floating conspiracy theories makes me think they’re full of shit.

  • The “Houthis” (Ansarallah) didn’t shoot at ships without provocation. They did it as a response to the genocide in Gaza, out of solidarity, to implement a blockade. They said as much, and the article explains this.

    The author seems concerned that if the people […] are labeled terrorists, they might receive less aid, even though aid exemptions have been added?

    First of all, the author is not (only, primarily) concerned with aid, but rather trade.

    Secondly, and the article explains that but maybe not clearly enough, but sanctions cause lots of companies to stop all dealings with the sanctioned entity, despite humanitarian exceptions. This causes massive friction not just for trade, but also for humanitarian aid, as the humanitarian aid groups need to contract out e.g. logistics to companies, and they need to be able to do payments. Sanctions always cause collateral damage in this way, because they create lots of paperwork and legal grey areas, and companies do not want to deal with this.

    Potentially receiving less aid seems like a reasonable consequence

    You are aware that thanks to the previous Saudi (and US backed) blockade and US sanctions on Yemen, hundreds of thousands of people died, mostly due to starvation and such, and most of them children. Starving children may very well be the consequence of the US’s actions. Do you really think that’s fucking reasonable?

  • Nobody was arrested for supporting Palestine. Not a single person. Some specific people within the protests were temporary arrested for calling to murder Jews.


    The German state’s show of support has led to an outright banning of most pro-Palestine protests.


    Some of the images circulating from the Neukölln protests have been disturbing: minors arrested for wearing the colors of the Palestinian flag, a woman of Jewish-Israeli descent detained for carrying an anti-war message in Herrmannplatz, a central square in Neukölln.

    Ok, next:

    Immigration policy was not changed to align with European fascists.

    Yes it was. The Greens supported a so-called compromise with the Italian fascist government.


    In addition, the vague activation of emergency measures due to the so-called “weaponised” migration, which will be defined as such by national governments, raises eyebrows and may be exploited politically, MEPs warn.

    The new deal, which was sealed after years of negotiations, was hailed by southern EU member states’ governments.

    In Rome, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said, “Italy does not feel alone” anymore

    The Greens, as part of the German government, support this deal that Meloni is praising.


    Der Parteivorstand plädiert für einen schärferen Kurs, wie in der Ampelkoalition vereinbart. Asylverfahren an den EU-Außengrenzen, Rückführungen, Kürzung von Sozialleistungen für Geflüchtete.

    Translation: The [Green party] leadership advocates for a harsher course, as was agreed by the traffic-light coalition. Asylum process at the EU borders [i.e. camps], deportations, cutting social services for refugees.

    These used to be far-right demands only a couple of years ago

    Ukraine is not run by Neo-Nazis.

    That’s not what I said. I said the German government sent weapons to Ukrainian Neo-Nazis. The German government sends weapons to Ukraine, and they give some of them to far-right units like the Azov battalion (now reformed into to 3rd Assault Brigade), and they know that this is happening.

    You are calling me delusional for things that have been widely reported, while you deny those things. Who’s delusional here?