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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I saw you already solved your own issue. Just want to make sure you understand what the actual issue was and why.

    In order to use a class/function, such as Light(), the interpreter running your script needs to know what that class/function does. To do that, either you need to have defined it in your code (like you did with your main function) or you need to have imported it from from a another source like lifxlan where it is defined. In your original script, you imported the class LifxLAN, though as you discovered, you forgot to import the class Light as well. I’m assuming those are classes, btw, from both context and the fact that they follow the python naming convention (functions and variables are all_lower_case, Classes are CapitalizedWords, and CONSTANTS are ALL_CAPS)

    Additionally, instead of importing each class, you could have also imported the entirety of the lifxlan library by changing your import statement to import lifxlan. I’m not recommending you do that. It’s not best practice to import more than you need and it can cause issues if what you’re importing is not just a library but also executes code. But, if you did import the whole library, that would have imported all of the classes and functions in lifxlan including both LifexLAN and Light. You could then create objects of those classes or call those functions by prefixing the library name to their name. For example, lifxlan.Light().

  • Me: “So, I completed this time critical task a week ago, had it QA tested, and it’s been awaiting approval since Tuesday. I’ve posted my PR with links in the dev chat, I’ve pinged each of you individually each day as well. It is still awaiting approval before I can merge and pick up a new card from our backlog that is dependent on these changes. If literally anyone has the bandwidth to do this review, please do. I’ll post the link here again as well, to make this super convenient for you all, as well as the Jira card for reference, and the changes and requirements themselves are extremely straight forward. It should only take 5-10 minutes, tops. And I will be sitting here useless until it is done. Somebody, please, for the love of god…”

    My team: crickets

    Scrum Master: “Thanks for the update, kryptonianCodeMonkey… next up is…”

  • What are you talking about? YOU are the one who responded to the question “given you have to work, would you rather have a job you like or a job you hate” with the answer “I’d rather just not work”. I’m aware the vast majority, including myself, need to work. You’re the only one suggesting you wouldn’t work.

    The guy who asked you the question was saying that the fact that we have to work is just that, a fact. So how are you going to make that fact more bearable? They were suggesting you should try to find work or a workplace that doesn’t leave you in dread of every work day, or at the very least finding a way to set boundaries at work or make peace with small talk being a part of your day. Those things are not always easy or feasible in the short term, but they’re saying that should be your goal.

  • Here’s a Midwestern trick for you. Find a lull in the conversation, then use the word “Welp!” and then press your lips together into that flat emoji face 😐. Generally that’s all you need to say to indicate, “regretfully, I need to move on from this interaction now”, and both parties can give their requisite goodbyes before dispersing. If that didn’t get the hint across, throw in a “Alright, well, I’m gonna let you get back to it”, which obviously sounds nicer than “you need to release me from the conversation chokehold you’ve got me in and let me get back to it”, but means the same thing. If they keep talking after that, then they’re the asshole and you can now directly shut down the conversation without the stigma. But don’t forget to apologize for needing to do something other than entertain them and ask their permission to do otherwise, and then thank them when they grant your reprieve. Something like, “Sorry, if it’s alright, I really need to buckle down on this. Can we chat later? Thank you!”

    This submissive, conflict-avoidance, time-management solution technique is brought to you courtesy of generations of the painfully polite and non-confrontational interacting with the overly friendly and chatty that defines the culture and the history of the Midwest. In Indiana, that’s as much a daily fixture of our way of life as riding past corn fields stretched to the horizon, the joy of confirming from their license plate that the shitty driver is indeed a Buckeye, and a general obsession with basketball that borders on psychosis.

  • A word for words and names? Nomenclature, terminology, lexicon…

    A word for peeing and pooping collectively? Most words have other uses, but also pertain to both bathroom activities, like Excretion, evacuation, expulsion, waste, elimination… There are better words that specifically refer to each act individually, but not collectively. Just for peeing there’s urinate and micturate, and just for pooping there’s defecate.