modlog is public
hi. banner-deep space fornax cluster, webb stuff i think.
modlog is public
nice wall of text. wtf over
AI training to generate it’s own dog food
example clickbait link;
meanwhile on ISS, ‘whats that smell?’
needs a bot to weed out the obvious rejects. wish I knew how.
11-17 web site says nih. shrug scroll
large-scale rotation, like cracking a whip. storm resembles a spiral galaxy.
had a few cat pics I wanted to post. 2 days later thousands of ex-reddit subs. up,up,down,down,left,right,left… recruited more mods. never was a redditor
made several for my own interests. a few are just me. a few have thousands of subs. who knew?
star guts everywhere
not sure. try this;
oh wait, that’s yesterday. nevermind
try harder. it’s a link to a paywall
triboelectric effect, hmm, learn something new every day. thanks. also interested in how this relates to lightning.
previously known AnWj blood group >
about 400 patients across the world each year. >
‘Attention Required! |’ so useful lemmy. lol
only heard of most of the crap in my resume. learn fast break things