Just some IT guy

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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • The developer working on federation plans to merge the changes into forgejo first and then from there into gitea but I’m not sure in how far the recent changes to gitea’s CLA have affected those plans.

    Forgejo is a drop in replacement (they are committed to keeping it that way for as long as possible) so, as far as I know, simply changing the gitea image to the forgejo image is all you would need to do.

  • They did start a cloud service for hosting Gitea which introduces a direct incentive for them to make Gitea less hosting friendly by, for example, making newly added configuration options less comfortable to set up. And more recently some changes to code contributions that are not exactly community friendly (as a result forgejo will be unable to upstream some of their changes)

    What lead to Forgejo, as far as I am aware, was less a problem that is already there and more the set of problems that have a very high chance of eventually manifesting, at which point forking the project would be too late.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlwhat is your favorite lemmy instance?
    7 个月前

    I’d be very careful with those words given that lemmy.world is rather trigger happy with defederations.

    It is almost impossible to completely censor away content and anyone can bridge blocks by creating a new intermediary instance where they can view content of mutually blocked instances but it’s not like you see all the fediverse content on any instance.

    Matter of fact you just need to look at the blocklists of most instances to get a pretty good guess at the other, less legal, Fediverse out there running almost in parallel to the popular one. But since almost every instance has those blocked you don’t see any of that shit in your feeds. Highly censorship resistant, but ultimately an individual is still at the mercy of their instance admins.

  • Just piling onto this I really hate how it’s always portrayed as if ftl would somehow break causality. I cannot for the life of me figure out any way in which something travelling faster than light would do that. Travelling faster than sound doesn’t break the air eithe (well it sort of does but the air is still there working as air once the sonic boom has passed it)r.

    Bit of a tangent but I get the feeling a lot of scientists are stuck revering the old geniuses a bit too much. Einsteins formula is basically taken as gospel, to suggest it might be inaccurate is seemingly treated as heresy and I don’t think that’s a good thing.

    Newton’s theory of gravity was also revered as undenoable fact but lo and behold it was severely inaccurate. What makes these people believe it’s any different with Einstein and co? (arguably this could be down to the media distorting sentiment among scientists but that only improves things marginally)

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 个月前

    Nothing serious but when I was a kid my doctor regularly forgot to mark my blood samples with my age, resulting in me having to take Vitamin supplements on and off because the values flip-flopped between “way too low (for an adult)” and “way too high (for a 10 year old kid)”

    Luckily my parents wizened up to that after a year and we switched doctors, was not a nice experience but still on the more harmless side of things

    Edit: I do have a really messed up one. Back when I was a little toddler crawling on all fours my parents gave me milk in glass bottles, which is a good idea because plastics are obviously bad until you consider toddler behaviour. Well things inevitably happened and toddler me dropped the bottle while sitting on a bench. Toddler me then had nothing better to do than to follow the bottles course and fall into the glass pile. Parents rushed me to a child surgeon, he removed “all” glass pieces from my elbow. A few days after the OP the wound starts watering badly, so my parents go back to the doc. Nope he says, all the glass is removed. Wound doesn’t get better so my parents go to a normal surgeon. Dude looks at the wound, cancels his plans and essentially emergency operates the wound because lo and behold there were still glass fragments in my elbow. Scars being what scars are I now have a ~10 cm and a ~5cm scar stretching across my left elbow. Guess the only good part about it is that I was too young to remember that shitshow.

  • I mean that’s fair enough, I’m not arguing Big Tech is solely to blame. Heck before big Social Media was a thing you still had your forum trolls trying to make everyone else’s life as miserable as possible, among other infamous archetypes of insufferabiltiy. But I think (I have no data on this) that the environments found in the Fediverse are, on average, healthier than what you find on Big Tech platforms.

    Whether that’s down to fewer people using the Fediverse or the approach being better I cannot back with data. It’s just a gut feeling that the entire structure is more geared toward facilitating a healthy community (let’s ignore lemmy’s absolute lack of moderation tools here for a second)

  • Can’t say they’re particularly wrong but I feel like this is going at it the wrong way. It’s not like TikTok is particularly problematic, it’s just that the platform is so massively popular the general problem with big tech social media has become so big it can’t be ignored anymore.

    (for profit) Social media has an inherent interest in fostering an unhealthy environment because angry people tend to argue with the people they’re angry at more so than people agreeing or politely disagreeing with each other. It’s no wonder everyone is shouting at each other when the media everyone is doing the shouting on have a vested interest in making sure that the shouting be as loud as possible.