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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • One of the best things ever about LLMs is how you can give them absolute bullshit textual garbage and they can parse it with a huge level of accuracy.

    Some random chunks of html tables, output a csv and convert those values from imperial to metric.

    Fragments of a python script and ask it to finish the function and create a readme to explain the purpose of the function. And while it’s at it recreate the missing functions.

    Copy paste of a multilingual website with tons of formatting and spelling errors. Ask it to fix it. Boom done.

    Of course, the problem here is that developers can no longer clean their inputs as well and are encouraged to send that crappy input straight along to the LLM for processing.

    There’s definitely going to be a whole new wave of injection style attacks where people figure out how to reverse engineer AI company magic.

  • As a layman, my interpretation is that scientists have observed a mutation in some prehistoric cells / creatures that is likely positive. In this case an algae and a bacteria somehow combined in such a way that they have become something new and better.

    As an optimistic guesser it seems like this probably happens fairly often and is either unlikely to survive or replicate for long. But, having observed something that we have known about is further evidence that we understand ongoing evolution and may have a better, more sound understanding of how life came to be.

    I guess that’s probably interesting because it helps us better understand what the building blocks for life are, and as we discover them on other planets or in other places in outer space we may better be equipped to understand how or if life exists outside our own world.

  • Tracking your life like this helps uncover macro patterns that are hard to see day to day. For example, is there an impact from changing a job, or entering, exiting a relationship, or moving to a new home.

    This zoomed out view can teach you how to predict the future impact of such changes, and perhaps that can guide future decisions.

    You can use this to ask and answer all kinds of questions.

    We can see that OP had a pretty good January, but the mood went down in Feb. Winter blues? Maybe add a vacation at the beginning of February this year.

    Only OP really knows the detailsbfor this case but I think everyone can benefit from macro tracking.

  • My company has an office in China and I’ve been there many many times.

    Chinese people are like all other people - same needs, same hopes and dreams, same fears, same drivers. In the city where our office is located, they are extremely hard working and want to ensure a better future for their family. Just like most American cities.

    Their city is very high tech, moreso than many American cities because they skipped a lot of legacy technology.

    They don’t necessarily subscribe to the same moral/value system as Americans, for example they often see copying each other’s ideas as a compliment whereas Americans see it as stealing. Kind of like - if it’s possible to copy, then it’s fair game - so don’t make it possible if you don’t want it copied. Perhaps that drives a different kind of innovation.

    Obviously there are many more cultural differences. But as a people, we are all essentially working with the same needs.

    All that being said I don’t appreciate the great firewall when I’mthere, the censorship, and the fear they have about discussing banned topics. I don’t appreciate the high-tech security cameras at every corner, or all the tracking of activities. The younger generations tolerate this for now because they are wealthier than their parents and told to cooperate, but that may not hold long term.

  • The only way the current strategy of both sides changes is if a major factor changes, otherwise this cold standoff is the most stable place for both sides on the matter.

    It could be that an election in Taiwan is won by a very pro-China party - a similar thing led to rapid changes in Hong Kong. Or an American leader changes tactics dramatically because theres no longer an incentive to support Taiwan.

    Taiwan needs to be careful to guard against either situation happening.

    Differing from many superpowers that came before the US, the US has a reputation of following through on what it says it will do long term, and the vast geopolitical diplomatic reach of the Americans means that for now, China would experience too high an economic cost to try and change this balance unilaterally.

  • When I was a teenager, the people who are my age now seemed really old and because of that there was no attraction.

    Now when I see a grey hair, or a new wrinkle on my partner it’s the hottest thing. We connect with each other about real life, she knows me well and helps me center myself.

    I too hope that feeling continues to 60 years old and beyond, and I have a growing suspicion that it will so long as we both continue to work on staying healthy and attractive.

  • Preface that I have no solutions to offer to the conflict.

    But if a school bully takes your lunch one too many times, he’s eventually gonna get punched in the face. But in this case, Hamas is too underpowered to be the school bully.

    It’s more like the mosquito that just won’t stop buzzing in your ear even though you are traipsing in his forest. Except this mosquito flies with 2m of his closest brothers and sisters and your response is to burn his forest down.

    I don’t know what I’m trying to say. Hamas has annoyed Israel one too many times and now is getting an angry, irrational response with tons of collateral damage. Not a calculated response.

    Perhaps the only thing I can offer is that the response from Israel isn’t all that irrational. Every person can be driven to the point of breaking and lashing out.

    Israel has obviously completely had it with Hamas and would rather bear the international consequences of wiping Gaza off the map instead of facing one more rocket across that border. Honestly that is a pretty fucking huge miscalculation for Hamas. Because Israel is a much better international diplomat and the winner gets to write the history book.

    When you have two kids on the school yard that are lashing out, the principal comes along and makes sure neither crosses the others path again. That may be how this ends, but I fear the world doesn’t care enough about either side to get involved that way.

  • There are sometimes some strange issues with office construction.

    There might be no plumbing in the locations people will want for toilets and baths and kitchens in the individual suites away from the core of the building. Same goes for retrofitted laundry facilities.

    HVAC systems (in the US anyways) are often centrallized and might need a lot of retrofitting to make it work like a condo/apartment.

    Kitchen ventilation

    Windows might not open, can’t get to a fresh air source

    Aside from that stuff, the issue of empty office buildings while we are experiencing unsustainable housing markets is begging for a solution to address the demand.

    There will probably be a handy sum to be earned for construction companies who get efficient at conversions.