Quite possibly a luddite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Looks promising.

    I’m setting it up now, was close to give up when it continuously refused to work after setting up an account. Turns out the passwords randomly generated by Firefox is a bit too hardcore for it, I changed to something with fewer special characters and now all is good. :)

    Edit: It worked for setting up the interface and my profile, but I still cannot sign in from within it. Seems like a promising project though.

    Edit edit: Moved it from a subdomain to a normal folder, now I can sign in, but it still acts a little broken, and doesn’t federate. Oh well, I’ll see if I’ll tinker more later.

  • I think it’s not so difficult to understand the appeal, of course for those deeply religious who long back to Zion, but also to those who just long for a home country. I know old secular Jews who, before all this bullshit, was considering moving to Tel Aviv for their retirement because it felt more like home to them then the US, despite being American all their lives and despite being politically progressive and very much not on the Bibi side of things.

    It’s a complicated situation now - on one hand I think it’s crucial that Jews should not feel the need to be apologetic or to constantly have to emphasize that they don’t represent a government they have nothing to do with. If that becomes the standard we’re already lost. On the other hand, people might need to hear it in order to understand Netanyahu is not some supreme leader of the unified Jews of the world, as too many people seem eager to believe.

  • I have to admit I’ve had this approach taking to Israelites for a while - I never felt comfortable in a conversation before having some sort of an indication of their political leaning. Israelites seem to often have a way of talking about things without talking about things, which usually makes it clear pretty quickly where they stand. I guess they also often feel a need to place themselves.

    As for Jewish people living outside of Israel, I think the fact that they’ve all had a standing invitation to move to Israel and opted not to make use of it speaks for itself. Sure there are Bibi supporters, but that goes for Christians as well.

    Still I see where you’re coming from of course. And I find it freaking terrifying to be honest.

  • This is what I don’t get here. Why the hell do people interpret this as if it’s spreading Israeli propaganda?

    We know Hamas killed substantial number of innocent people and are keeping hostages.

    We know these hostages are kept somewhere in Gaza.

    We know Israel is bombing the shit out of Gaza, actively destroying civilian infrastructure.

    What we learn from this is that Israel has indeed killed hostages in their indiscriminate bombing, that Hamas seem to be keeping hostages alive when they are not killed by Israeli bombs, and that being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza is still an awful situation to be in.

    If this makes Hamas look bad it’s because they are bad.

    If you think it makes Israel look good you’re sick in the head - this is triggered by them intentionally bombing Gaza until there’s nothing left.

    If you’re upset that it makes a Jewish person look human then fuck right off you worthless piece of shit.