• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • it makes you wonder what it was like before the new recall laws came in. The threat of actual consequences means people are getting punished, rather than what happened before where the Whips kept a black book of things to leverage people with. Oh you had an affair? Well you better vote this way. Oh theres a lobby paying you to ask questions and support a law? you better vote that way.

    Whips generally had a rule to burn their notebooks on leaving office.

  • on the contrary, i read exactly what you said. I dont mean in a semantic way, I mean I read it and understood it.

    The problem youve got is, Starmer is one person and the closest to an ‘establishment’ man the Labour Party has ever had. Hes a lawyer and knighted by the Queen ffs. But hes also part of a corrective streak lasting for ten years since, myself included with all my heart, when Corbyn won the right to challenge for the leadership and royally fucked it all up. That is what happened, and to me, it proved that arseholes like Boris will sneak in if we dont put sensible people up. People who can read, people who are dedicated to public service as a vocation not a hustle like these crooks. They promote people like Lammy and Rayner, people like Cooper are balanced out with real left wing heroes to get where they have without going through Eton or be related to a slave owning family dynasty or whatever.

    Im sorry but the real left wing has to do better than give up after a few blows from a dying tabloid culture. The left isnt just the leader, its the entire working class and probably a large chunk of the middle as well, and writing it all off as not ‘left wing’ enough is a lie.

  • no. fuck Sunak, Boris, Rees Mogg, Farage and all those wankers whove ruined this country, and every single failure of the last few years hasn’t happened, like nothing matters to you. By turning away from Labour over this, by saying you want more of this seemingly endless, miserable shit - youre the arsehole. *not you specifically i hope you take this the right way.

    those Labour MPs, those hard working left and centre left of which Starmer is a part, they don’t deserve to be treated so poorly by some knee jerk tabloid analysis designed to provoke the exact reaction you are giving. This is exactly what needs to be terminated, this endless tabloid, reductive bollocks which is the same passionate but misdirected energy which gives birth to people like Robert Jenrick or Braverman, who put all their energy in because they feel passion for their job - but in aid of ruining people lives…

    they say jump you say how high

    rise above

  • yes thats what im saying. its a government that fundamentally does not believe in or understand government. Ultimately on this issue, the free market principles they bang on about will lead to totally uncontrolled immigration because there will be no agreements in such an ideology. only those humans which generate tax revenue like tourists, footballers, oligarchs, middle classes and professionals like doctors and generally people who are not fleeing the very countries we bomb the living shit out of at regular intervals or from countries we support who force their own populations to flee. The end game is good value immigration not expensive immigration as the guiding principle, not wether they have a genuine case, not wether they are being hunted or preyed on, and not if they have to sit in a shithole hotel for years while the home office dosnt process the visas so they can work.

    and on that note, not at you specificially @Syldon@feddit.uk please consider a donation to Crisis https://www.crisis.org.uk/ while you stuff a box of mince pies in your cakehole this weekend

  • what theyve realised is, the way brexit was fought was highly successful. The phrase ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ is the entire strategy not just in terms of that debate but all debate and the idea is you retain maximum negotiation power if you threaten to just leave the table. But shes going one further and actually trying to unpick the founding principle legal works which underpin treaties and international agreements, for the sake of maybe 200 people to be flown to Rwanda initially but down the line it will be used as a strategy for any future government on a subject and further other countries will begin to adopt it.