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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • We’re not stupid. We’re scared.

    too scared. i very recently spent five years in austin and i learned that the 1) liberal texans are only liberal compared to other texans 2) they readily and easily shrug their shoulders in accepting defeat from institutions that they already know are racist, homophobic, sexist, and classicist and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING else and 3) will fight and report you to the authorities from those same institutions if you try to do ANYTHING else; my favorite examples are of californians disabling driver-less taxis with traffic cones and new-mexicans pelting short term rentals with eggs and bologna, meanwhile liberal austinites will literally call the cops on you if do either of these (ask me how i know).

  • i had the same thought: NPR did a story on alaskan pipelayers & plumbers that were starting to experience the effects of climate change on the soil about 15-is years ago and then revisited them again about 5-ish years ago. in the first set of interviews from 15 years ago, a big majority refused to attribute the issues that they were experiencing to climate change and in the second set 5 years ago, they nearly unanimously refused to attribute the issues to climate change.

    climate change is now politics and any and all politics will be denied if you want it bad enough