Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I wanna see a massive dump of them. All of them. If you gonna smoke smoke weed. Fuck tobacco and anyone who thinks it’s cool. They have the freedom to choose for sure, but anyone that chooses that is 100% idiot until proven otherwise.

    No ifs, ands, or buts. If you like it, you are part of the problem.

    Quitters finally saw the light. People who start smoking in the 2020s are just outright stupid. It’s not all over TV anymore, it’s not the cool teenage rebellion thing. It’s not even hidden knowledge about how bad it is to start, and how hard quitting is. Wtf is making people start now?

  • I had this same question come up recently.

    A friend of mine was out of town in a store that has a lot of entire series on BD or DVD (as well as movies of course), and he knew I was constantly referencing Star Trek, and he asked where he should start.

    I didn’t have much time to think since he was already in the store and had limited time. All things considered, I went with TNG as the perfect spot to start.

    He’s someone I used to work with a few years ago, and we play games together a lot. Knowing him (and just younger people in general), TOS would be so hard to watch with how dated it is. If not just the sexist and racist parts, then even for me it’s hard to look at given how LCARS showed up and instantly made all the technology look immediately centuries behind.

    But ever since then, it’s looked mostly the same. At least until SNW and Disco. So I told him as much as I felt I could without boring him about where it’s set in relation to the original show. 6 movies and 3 and a half series in, if I counted correctly.

    But if he ends up being interested, I’ll have him go through the other 2 golden era shows before going back for TOS.

    Except I will have him watch the Tribble episode before he watches the DS9 episode about it.

    He already had a small knowledge of it, the basic identity of who Kirk and Spock were, and the idea that it is a multi-show and many movie kinda franchise (I guess like a STU, which is MCU but for ST)

  • It was X-Men Apocalypse.

    I was working in a call center at the time, and there were tvs around the room on mute with closed captions that we could look at in between being on a call. I actually didn’t work in a department that took calls at the time, so I would watch entire shows like this sometimes.

    Anyway, the trailer for this movie came on during a commercial break, and there was one scene (I forget the exact quote- I might have to check YouTube for it now, but you’ll see it if you look it up) that was taking about the four horsemen, and mentioned that Christianity wasn’t the first to use that metaphor, but that it has been used by a bunch of religions and people groups before.

    So that threw me for a loop and made me start wondering. And once I figured out that one thing I always heard specifically about the belief was wrong, it made me wonder what else was wrong.

    So once I stopped taking everything for granted as just being true because “the Bible says it is” and started looking at it honestly, it quickly turned into realizing that it was all bullshit. As soon as you stop assuming it’s all completely true no matter what the evidence said, and actually take reality into account (for anyone that didn’t grow up as a believer this sounds totally insane, but that’s really how it be), a lot of things snap into focus.

    I had a roommate I completely disagreed with at the time, but I started taking him a lot more seriously after that. Turns out he wasn’t crazy, I was.

    And that’s the short version. I don’t recall enough specifics to really make a long version, but you get the idea.

    Edit- typos

    Also The line was from this trailer, about 1:20 in