I bought a 3d printer off Ebay which got delivered not too long ago, and it came with 2 sd cards - one with a build video and some demo print files, but worryingly another card that has all the previous owner’s personal files on there.

Not sure whether to format it, or to contact the seller offering to send the card back (free of charge)… how would you prefer to be approached in a similar situation?

Edit: No gcode files are on the card, just 30gb of pictures, music and videos. Sent the seller a message offering to upload it to cloud or to send the card back

  • Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    Better to offer and they say no vs you just destroying data they can’t replace and didn’t realize they’d lost.

    Just send a quick email/DM. Couldn’t hurt. Could even send the data through dropbox or similar instead of the whole card.