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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You pick up tricks. Mainly farting while walking. If you get your foot placement and pivot properly you can send it out without much “pushing”. I don’t tend to try and push my farts, as I am old and I don’t trust them all.

    You might be over thinking it. Everyone farts, but it’s seen as more acceptable to fart away from other people’s noses. You don’t really wanna smell someone else’s gas, do you?

  • That’s interesting. Marine here and once when I was deployed and writing up “significant event” reports for briefs, the Watch Officer never wanted to say 0000. He thought it would be too confusing when looking back and trying to figure which day it actually was. Is 0000 on 20231023 Monday at midnight or Sunday at midnight? He had us use either 2359 or 0001 and the date to clarify. 0000 didn’t exist for him, but it might have just been his own personal pet peeve.