Third party client support. Specifically alternate web UI’s focused on desktop like Alexandrite because if I’m being honest here, I think the comment nesting in Lemmy’s offical web UI lacks enough distinction to be useful on desktop (its clearly optimized for mobile browsers). Following conversations can be frustrating on desktop. Without Alexandrite I’d most likely be a mobile app (Voyager) user only.
Edit: No, third party web front ends for reddit do not work anymore. Remember those pesky API changes that went into effect in July and were the entire reason the majority of us are on lemmy now? Yeah, that didn’t just kill off third party mobile apps.
To those downvoting: save the downvotes for comments that aren’t productive, this is a pretty reasonable answer
The comment also highlights this same point. The different UI’s make it so that everyone can have an experience that they enjoy, mobile and web.
For example, we have these:
- Uptime history at
- Mlmym interface at
- Voyager interface at
- Photon interface at
- Alexandrite interface at
photon looks good, Are there any other ui shells?
Those are the only ones I know about
There’s also this one but I don’t think any instances are running it
this is a pretty reasonable answer
The topic specifically asks for features that are NOT availible on reddit.
Does reddit have user editable front ends you can host yourself?
Ooh cool.
Apparently a lot of stuff does. I know what I’m spending my weekend looking into.
None of those work anymore after the API changes. Which is the entire point of my original comment.
Yes, and third party clients, specifically alternate web UIs are not available on Reddit.
But they are …
Can you mention one then?
You literally only have to type “reddit frontend” into google, but I’ll help you out.
A lot of that functionality no longer works after the API changes. Even in the GitHub of some of those, they mention some basic features won’t work, e.g. private messages.
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As of July 12th, 2023, Libreddit is currently not operational as Reddit’s API changes, that were designed to kill third-party apps and content scrapers who don’t pay large fees, went into effect. Read the full announcement here.
Edit: Downvoting me doesn’t make you any less wrong.
It was borderline, but I found it to still be true
People made their own frontends, which could then hosted officially by the instance with the resources to go with it.
That doesn’t happen with Reddit, where the alternative frontends are run separately and the usefulness varies
In all seriousness, all apps and frontends should to implement countermeasures (if they haven’t already) so that you can turn off image previews as needed
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It basically takes your IP address, looks up an estimated town based on some free geoip database you can download, and renders that as text inside an image.
OK, less magic than expected.
There have been tools to generate little images like this that people have been sticking inline in forum posts for decades. Literal decades. The world has not yet caught fire because of that, either.
If you’re old enough, you’ll remember seeing oodles of people’s forum signatures containing a smiley face holding up a sign containing something like this:
You used to be able to embed arbitrary html in comments, which was awesome and terrifying
That’s crazy, it knows where I live.
im scared
im just south of okotoks, kind of a small world out here.
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yeah i seen your other comment. still kinda funny to me tho. I use a vpn router, multi wan, so not really too worried.
Didn’t new reddit start having that? Never saw it except when not logged in mind you.
It did, but it was a “premium feature” - paying users would have to “boost” a community to alow them to enable this feature.
Only when enough users boosted, the feature became available. And once that threshold was no longer reached, the feature would go away.
…fun. They really took us for granted, eh.
Also it never worked in my third party app and became some stupid placeholder scrapyard, as you couldn’t see the image.
Actually that feature isn’t even that much abused So here is an useless gif
Separate numbers for upvotes and downvotes.
Also that up and down votes are not tallied on user profiles. One of the issues with reddit is that if your point of view is unpopular, you cant discuss it on subs that require X amount of karma. Eventually you will be downvoted into being unable to reply. Here, conversation is more open and accounts dont carry a scarlet letter.
Pretty sure the downvote count has a limited effect on total karma. It was to counter downvote brigade from silencing people as you said.
This also seems to have the effect of people getting less salty at being down voted, on reddit I noticed the trend of people verbally expressing salt at even a single down vote editing their whole comment to go “and to the brainlet sheeple soyjack who down voted me I’d like you to know yada yada”
Here I notice less people throwing a verbal tantrum over the idea not everyone likes their opinion. Whenever I get the occasional down vote barrage at a spicy opinion I think “ah well can’t win em all, guess maybe my opinion might be a little shit” not amend my post with “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU FUCKING SUBHUMAN TROGLODYTES”
The downvotes are actually nice to see if you can still see upvotes.
On Reddit if a post goes to -50 I just delete it to silence the mob.
On Lemmy if I see +100/-150 I know it drove debate instead of just pissing people off.
I would consider that a downside tbh
Unfortunately, your score is too low to have that opinion.
I feel like it makes the conversation feel less hive-mindy as people arnt hunting for upvotes, they just say stuff (for better or worse).
I had a ton of karma by just saying stuff. I never even tried having popular opinions or baiting for upvotes.
I feel the opposite. Still all but one opinion gets drowned out. It’s just that now the opinion that survives is the one that screams the loudest rather than the mainstream one
I still remember how annoyed I was when reddit disabled that. It was a useful data point, especially in hobby communities or other places where it can be difficult for newbies to judge the quality of advice/answers they’re receiving so I was thrilled to see it here on Lemmy. Going by upvotes alone is not always showing you an accurate picture of a community’s reaction to a comment.
It’s why I’m still furious about YouTube removing the dislike count. That single decision has probably led to lots more people getting scammed–and YouTube not getting my premium dollars I would’ve otherwise gave.
And the ability to turn off scores entirely! I run it that way most of the time. A post can have thousands of up/down votes but I can’t tell and it keeps it from infuencing how I’ll vote.
It was a feature I wanted to experiment with on reddit but couldn’t
No advertising whatsoever; this was a thing on the mobile apps without paying. Nice it looks streamlined and less cluttered too.
I have app options to choose from!
This is the biggest one for me.
At some point I stopped using Reddit on the web/desktop and just started to use it on my phone/tablet. I tried different apps, but settled with RIF. Every few years I’d try different apps, but always found my way back to RIF.
Reddit did a bunch of stupid things over the years, but I could happily ignore them and continue to use RIF.
When RIF went away I had to find a new app. The official app wasn’t going to work for me. Old Reddit on the phone wasn’t going to work for me.
Luckily there are plenty of Lemmy apps. I’ve settled on Voyager (wefwef) but Boost seems fine too.
Sure, the content has changed a bit, but it’s close enough.
For me a good app is key. Lemmy has good apps. I use Lemmy.
So many apps redesign themselves and assume I’ll get used to it. In actuality they cause me to wonder, “Do I still need you?” and start looking for alternatives.
That isn’t to say that apps can’t ever redesign themselves, but so many redesigns seem to follow the latest trend and don’t demonstrate a clear understanding of their users.
Coming from an Apollo user, Voyager feels like home to me.
Of even if they do redesign, couldn’t they keep the old as an option? Why do they always throw out the baby with the bathwater?
Pretty much exactly my story. Went from RIF to Boost.
good People
Public viewable Mod Log
Defederation of Bad Instances.
Fewer users.
Once a site hits a critical mass of users the amount of content goes up and quality goes down. Once you reach that point it begins accelerating and turns the whole community to trash.To be fair, this can be offset by sticking to smaller communities. All the large communities on reddit were low quality, but reddit’s large userbase allowed a lot of niche communities to exist with an acceptable amount of users. Lemmy (with its smaller overall user numbers) has much better “large” communities, but many of the niche communities barely have enough active users to get by.
I really like being able to edit the post title and the 6 hour top sort. Although I would like 3 or 4 hours even better.
you can ask for this feature directly to the dev, that what i prefer it to reddit
Federation, no ads, so many third party apps, lil’ bit nicer people.
Language, you can filter content by language you speak
Edit title, If with my broken english and autocorrect, I write down does anybody now about a boardgame for trees ? I can do a ninja edit without deleting the post
Interaction with Mastodon (and the rest of the fedi), seriously, imagine being able to answer to a tweet from reddit, with Lemmy you can answer to a toot
How do trees play board games?
Rather woodenly, but they’re always trying to branch out.
The ability to block entire instances!
Right devs? Right?
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Not being a for-profit thing goes a long way toward improving user experience
The community is more mature, less stupid pun chains (pretty sure those are mostly bots at this point), and less presence of interest groups (nefarious or not).
Well shit, I loved the pun chains!
It’s probably cause you look punny
Summer is never endless, I wonder when those things will arrive in the Fediverse and ruin everything
Little instances of rage bait, karma bait, horny bait and WhOleSomE (fake story) bait
…for now
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A ghastly visage.
Reported for NSFW. I didn’t want to see a horrible cunt in my feed.
/s (not the second half though)